›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1): 14-18.

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Reflection and Reconstruction of the Mechanism of Investigating and Preventing Illegal Evidence Collection in the Investigation of Duty Crime

REN Liwei1, ZHANG Lei2   

  1. (1.Xiushan County Peoples Procuratorate, Chongqing 409900, China; 2.Youyang County Peoples Procuratorate, Chongqing 409800, China)
  • Received:2016-04-08 Revised:2016-06-29 Online:2017-01-02 Published:2017-02-22



  1. 1.重庆市秀山县人民检察院,重庆 409900;2.重庆市酉阳县人民检察院,重庆 409800
  • 作者简介:任立维(1984—),男,黑龙江绥化人,重庆市秀山县人民检察院研究室主任,法学硕士,研究方向:刑法学、刑诉法学;张雷(1992—),男,重庆酉阳人,重庆市酉阳县人民检察院助理检察员,法学硕士,研究方向:刑法学、刑诉法学。
  • 基金资助:
    重庆市人民检察院2015年重点课题“职务犯罪案件源头预防非法取证工作机制研究”(CQJCY 2015B07)

Abstract: 〖JP2〗In the judicial practice, the reason of the root of misjudged criminal case lies in the illegal evidence in the investigation stage. Through empirical investigation of the procuratorial organs in southeast district of Chongqing, it can be found that present duty crime investigation prevention illegal evidence collection mechanism is not standard in the interrogation of a criminal suspect and questioning witnesses procedure.The detention in the interrogation and inquiry place provisions are not perfect etc. The reason is that the investigation measures are not perfect, position of procuratorial and public prosecution department convergence is not sufficient. The skills of the investigation and evidence collection need improving. The forensic process and review of the evidence lack effective supervision system. Therefore, the procuratorial organs should improve the existing mechanisms for the prevention of illegal evidence collection, and strive to prevent illegal evidence from the source to improve the quality of handling cases.〖JP〗

Key words: duty crime, prevention, illegal evidence collection, working mechanism

摘要: 司法实践中之所以会出现职务犯罪刑事错案,根源在于侦查阶段的非法取证。实证调查重庆市渝东南片区检察机关的相关工作情况,可以发现当下的职务犯罪侦查预防非法取证工作机制存在讯问犯罪嫌疑人、询问证人程序不够规范,羁押入所和讯问、询问场所规定不够完善等问题。究其缘由,在于侦查措施不够完善,职侦与公诉部门衔接不足,侦查取证技能有待提升,取证过程和证据审查缺乏有效监督等制度缺失。检察机关应当完善原有的预防非法取证工作机制,努力做到从源头预防非法取证,提升办案质量。

关键词: 职务犯罪, 预防, 非法取证, 工作机制