›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 7-12.

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Reflection and Reconstruction of Chinese Adult Guardianship --Enlightenment of Canadian Adult Guardianship Legislation to China

SUN Haizhou   

  1. (School of Law, Yantai University, Yantai, Shandong 264005, China)
  • Received:2016-04-05 Revised:2016-07-28 Online:2017-06-01 Published:2017-05-29

我国成年人监护制度的反思与重构 ——加拿大成年人监护立法对我国的启示


  1. 烟台大学 法学院,山东 烟台 264005
  • 作者简介:孙海洲(1990—),男,山东平度人,烟台大学法学院硕士研究生,研究方向:民商法。

Abstract: Adult guardianship is a civil system established to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the adults whose action ability is damaged because of age, intelligent retardation, physical condition, or mental impediment. Compared with other types of guardianship, it is different in the aspects of applicable scope and object, function and construction of foundation. The Canadian codetermination system realizes the great innovation of the guardianship concept, emphasizing that we should provide a help for the decision of the parties rather than to replace its decision, which greatly maintains the autonomy of the parties and embodies the human rights, equality and the protection of the peopleoriented concept. We should construct a more humanized adult guardianship system on the basis of carrying out the codetermination concept.

Key words: adult, guardianship, limited guardianship, codetermination

摘要: 成年人监护制度是对已成年但因年龄、智力障碍、身体状况、精神障碍导致行为能力缺陷的人设立的保护其合法权益的民事制度。与其他类型的监护相比,成年人监护在适用范围和对象、功能和构建基础上均有所不同。加拿大的共同决定制度实现了监护理念的重大创新,强调应为当事人的决定提供帮助而不是代替其作出决定,极大地维护了当事人的意思自治,体现了人权、平等和以人为本的保护理念。我国应在贯彻共同决定理念的基础上构建更加人性化的监护制度。

关键词: 成年人, 监护, 限制监护, 共同决定