›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 92-97.

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The Call of the Pen: On the Subversiveness of The Blind Assassin

WANG Yuwei, GUAN Rongzhen   

  1. (School of Foreign Language, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China)
  • Received:2016-11-11 Revised:2016-12-08 Online:2017-08-01 Published:2017-08-04



  1. 广西大学 外国语学院,南宁 530004
  • 作者简介:王雨薇(1991—),女,湖南株洲人,广西大学外国语学院硕士研究生,研究方向:英美文学;关熔珍(1971—),女,广西钦州人,广西大学外国语学院教授,博士,研究方向:比较文学与世界文学及翻译。

Abstract: Taking The Blind Assassin as the object of research, the subversive artistic expressions in the novel are studied. It reveals that by subverting traditional male sentence patterns, Atwood demonstrates poetic narrative of female discourse; by subverting binary oppositions created by old symbolic order, she constructs new symbolic one instead; by subverting maledominant narration, she presents female mode of thinking. It is pointed out what lies behind these subversive writing techniques is to show the innermost world and real life of women and provide guidance for female writing.

Key words: The Blind Assassin, subversiveness, symbolic order, voice of feminism

摘要: 探讨《盲刺客》的颠覆性书写方式,揭示作者在颠覆传统西方男性句式基础上所展现的女性的诗性话语,在颠覆传统男性文学二元对立基础上建构的新象征秩序,在颠覆传统男性叙事基础上呈现的女性思维,并揭示颠覆性书写背后的深层次目标,即展现女性真实的内心和生活,为女性写作指明方向。

关键词: 盲刺客, 颠覆性, 象征秩序, 女性主义呐喊