›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (6): 113-120.

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Developments, Problems and Future Directions in the Teaching Intervention of Formulaic Sequences

ZHANG Jianqin   

  1. (School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)
  • Received:2017-01-12 Online:2017-12-01 Published:2017-12-29



  1. 上海大学 外国语学院,上海 200444
  • 作者简介:张建琴(1978—),女,上海人,上海大学外国语学院副教授,博士,研究方向:二语习得、教育语言学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: It has been proved by various studies that learners formulaic language competence is correlated with their overall linguistic competence. However, its natural acquisition poses a challenge for foreign language learners. Researchers have proposed to intervene in the classroom to help learners acquire formuliac sequences more effectively.The developments in teaching intervention studies of formulaic sequences at home and abroad are reviewed. Major research in this area is found to be centered around consciousnessraising studies, retention studies and task type studies. “Strong intervention” and “weak intervention” approaches are identified and analyzed. Future studies in the field need to identify teaching objectives and content and multidisciplinary and multidimensional studies should be carried out.

Key words: formulaic sequences, consciousnessraising, retention strategies, textual enhancement

摘要: 已有研究证实学习者的程式语能力与其语言水平显著相关,但其自然习得难度较高,有必要在课堂中进行教学干预,帮助学习者更有效地习得程式语。从教学策略、教学资源和任务类型三方面回顾国内外程式语教学干预实证研究进展,分析意识提升、记忆策略和教学任务类型研究中的“强干预”和“弱干预”路径,指出程式语教学干预研究需进一步明确教学目标和内容,开展跨学科、多维度的研究。

关键词: 程式语, 意识提升, 记忆策略, 文本凸显