›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (6): 93-100.

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On Chinas Campsites Development Modes

LYU Ning, WU Xinfang   

  1. (The Second Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100024, China)
  • Received:2017-03-12 Online:2017-12-01 Published:2017-12-29



  1. 北京第二外国语学院,北京 100024
  • 作者简介:吕宁(1980—),女,陕西宝鸡人,北京第二外国语学院旅游管理学院副教授,博士,研究方向:旅游与休闲经济、休闲城市学、文化旅游等;吴新芳(1993—),女,江西赣州人,北京第二外国学院旅游管理学院旅游管理专业2015级硕士研究生,研究方向:旅游与休闲经济。

Abstract: Recently, selfdriving tour has developed quickly, but it cant survive without the support of campsites. Chinas campsites have still been in the early stage, and have faced up with some problems, such as shortage, simple products, unclear development pattern and so on. Based on current situation of campsites development in China, the development modes such as developing through depending on touristguest source, scenic spots and tourism destinations are concluded. Besides, the operation modes such as single operation by itself, joint operation with other enterprises and operating through brand chain are summarized. Furthermore, the characteristics and trends of Chinas campsites development in the future are put forward. Firstly, establishing the industry associations and enterprise cooperation will become more popular in order to achieve winwin situation. Then, campsites tend to manage by chains, brands,and network to expand market. Next, campsites will enrich their products and service through integrating other tourism resources to build platform economy. Last, it will explore light assets operation to reduce cost and risks are explored. Light is shed on how to choose development mode for campsites,which enrich the researches about campsites.

Key words: camping, campsite, development mode, industry association

摘要: 近年来,自驾车出行的旅游方式不断兴起,其发展离不开露营地的支撑。目前我国露营旅游仍处于发展的初期阶段,露营地面临着数量短缺、产品单一、发展模式不清晰等问题。基于我国露营地发展现状,归纳总结露营地依托客源地、景区、目的地的开发模式,单体运营、联合运营、品牌连锁的运营模式,以及“1+X”的盈利模式,提出未来我国露营地的发展特点及趋势:产业联盟与企业合作;营地连锁化、品牌化、网络化经营;通过“露营+”丰富营地产品,打造平台经济;轻资产运营。

关键词: 露营旅游, 露营地, 发展模式, 产业联盟