›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 42-47.

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BaShu Culture and Aesthetic Spirit of LAI Zhide

TAN Yulong   

  1. (Institute of Media and Art, Chongqing University of Posts and Communications, Chongqing 400065, China)
  • Received:2017-04-26 Revised:2018-02-26 Online:2018-01-01 Published:2018-02-26



  1. 重庆邮电大学 传媒艺术学院,重庆 400065
  • 作者简介:谭玉龙(1986—),男,重庆邮电大学传媒艺术学院讲师,文学博士,研究方向:中国传统文化与美学。

Abstract: BaShu is located in a basin and surrounded by high mountains all round, which hinders its connection to other areas. But BaShu ancestors were not reconciled to this and cut out paths to break through the bonds of environment. So BaShu culture is branded as open and innovation. LAI Zhide, a scholar in late Ming dynasty, didn’t surrender to authority or tradition and ventured some aesthetic opinions, which was influenced by BaShu culture. In other words, the spirit of BaShu culture is manifested by the aesthetics of LAI Zhide.

Key words: BaShu culture, aesthetic spirit, image, Ge Wu, relationship between writing and Tao

摘要: 巴蜀地处盆地,四面环山,但巴蜀先民并不局限于此,而是努力开拓,冲破自然的束缚,向外发展。这种态度深深积淀在巴蜀人心底,逐渐形成了勇于开拓创新的巴蜀文化精神。明末巴蜀学者来知德不臣服和恪守权威、传统,提出“舍象不可以言《易》”“格去其物欲”以及“文能载道,何害于文”的美学观点,以正人心和世风。这正是勇于开拓创新的巴蜀文化精神在来知德美学思想中的折射,也是巴蜀美学精神的特点所在。

关键词: 巴蜀文化, 美学精神, 象, 格物, 文道关系