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    01 January 2018, Volume 18 Issue 1
    On Organic Marxisms View of Ecological Justice
    YANG Fubin1, ZHANG Ying2
    2018, 18(1):  1-7. 
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    The view of ecological justice of organic Marxism, and its turn of mode of thought are dealt with mainly in that it has realized the turn from the mode of substance thinking to the mode of organic thinking, from the extreme individualism to communitarianism, and from the conquest of nature to the respect of nature. The main content of ecological justice in organic Marxism is the injustice of the justice of capitalism, insistence on the Marxist method of class analysis, and holding the ideal of ecological justice in the future society of communist society. In the process of building socialist ecological civilization in China, we should try our best to turn our mode of thought, to establish the correct strategy of ecological civilization, and set up the correct means and final aims of socialist ecocivilization when we are approaching and explaining the view of ecological justice of organic Marxism. This is very important for us to realize our aims of ecocivilization.
    Analysis on the Connotation and Approach of Innovative Entrepreneurship Education under the View of “Signing a Person”
    ZENG Lingbin, LIU Nian
    2018, 18(1):  8-12. 
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    In recent years, innovative entrepreneurship education is becoming important direction and trend of higher education reform in China. Innovative entrepreneurship education has inherited LU Xuns “signing a person” spirit, taking morality education as the fundamental, adhering to the ideal of cultivationorientation and students allround development. On the approach, it should combine the “double firstclass construction” and provide good social environment and carry out innovation entrepreneurship education to the whole process of talent cultivation and promote innovation and entrepreneurship reform and practice by multiagents.
    Research on the Path of Integrating Socialist Core Values into University Professional Education
    WANG Jing
    2018, 18(1):  13-18. 
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    To strengthen and improve the ideological and political education in universities, we must integrate the socialist core values into the whole process of professional education. This will be of great benefit to the innovation of professional education and teaching, the improvement of ideological and political education in universities, the promotion of all-round development of students and the promotion of socialist core values. Students recognition of the socialist core values should go through three stages: theoretical cognition, internalization of thought and externalization of behavior. Therefore, the socialist core values into the path of professional education in colleges and universities can be tried from four aspects: practice, professional class, internalization led by professional teachers, and special institutional guarantee.
    On the Guarantee and Maintenance of the Legal Rights and Interests of the Delivery Soldiers in Song Dynasty
    CHANG Qinfei
    2018, 18(1):  19-24. 
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    Delivery is the basic unit of Song Dynasty official transfer system for delivering official documents, transporting official materials, escorting prisoners and so on. The Song dynasty military system set the delivery soldiers as the main staff of delivery. Because of hard task, overwork, many other illegal issues, even the deduction of their salaries by the local government when in financial distress, therefore, the Song Dynasty government issued a number of initiatives to protect the legal rights and interests of the delivery camp, and established a sound supervision and control mechanism. Through the analysis of relevant legal provisions and actual implementation, it can be seen that the Song Dynasty law promoted the perfection and diversification of the rights of the group.
    Image Culture Communication on New Media: A Path for Promoting the Exchanges and Social Identity Between the CrossStrait Youths
    HUANG Mingbo
    2018, 18(1):  25-30. 
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    The Democratic Progressive Party was once more in power, so the communication across the straits entered into a complicated and changing period. The popularization of new media has provided a new possibility for the communication between the crossstrait youths. The current communication on new media between the crossstrait youths has not only made certain achievement, but also encountered difficulty. The event of ZHOU Ziyu and the emoticons war which triggered by the event has verified the arrival of Image Politics era, and predicted the significance of the image multimodal discourse in the communication on new media between the crossstrait youths. The image culture communication is helpful to dissolve the political resistance. The image multimodal discourse is helpful to reconstruct the communicative rationality. The image cultural identity is helpful to construct the social identity. The communication of image culture of new media is an effective path for promoting the exchanges and social identity between the crossstrait youths.
    Research on the Places of the Joining Forces of the Second and the Sixth Red Army Groups
    LIU Jin1, ZENG Linhua2
    2018, 18(1):  31-36. 
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    The decision of joining forces of the Second Red Army Group and the Sixth Red Army Group was made under the conditions of extraordinarily challenging circumstances and execrable living environment. It was an inevitable and tacit choice. The joining forces of the two army groups were the reuniting process of the revolutionary forces and also a great victory of the strategic shift of the Red Army. However, so far, the places of joining forces remain controversial because of the difference of identification standards of the concept of joining forces, the uncertainty of the information transferred before the joining forces, the fluidity during the process of joining forces, the dispersion of the rendezvous and the complex battlefield environment, etc.
    Review on the Study of Buddhism During Wei Jin Northern and Southern Dynasties in the Past Ten Years
    LI Fei
    2018, 18(1):  37-41. 
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    Wei Jin Northern and Southern Dynasties were relatively a period of more chaos in Chinese history with frequent changes of powers and wars. But the invasion of some minority nationalities also promoted the ethnic fusion and the development of Chinese art. A comprehensive study on Buddhism during Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynastiesin the past ten years was done, which includes the Buddhist literature research, the research on Buddhist music, Buddhist art research, and the study prospect of Buddhism during Wei Jin Southern and Northern dynasties.
    BaShu Culture and Aesthetic Spirit of LAI Zhide
    TAN Yulong
    2018, 18(1):  42-47. 
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    BaShu is located in a basin and surrounded by high mountains all round, which hinders its connection to other areas. But BaShu ancestors were not reconciled to this and cut out paths to break through the bonds of environment. So BaShu culture is branded as open and innovation. LAI Zhide, a scholar in late Ming dynasty, didn’t surrender to authority or tradition and ventured some aesthetic opinions, which was influenced by BaShu culture. In other words, the spirit of BaShu culture is manifested by the aesthetics of LAI Zhide.
    Brief Survey of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Currency Research
    LIN Bo
    2018, 18(1):  48-63. 
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    The movement of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is one of the biggest peasant uprisings in Chinese history and has a great influence on modern Chinese history. Its own currency, which has high historical and cultural collection value,has become an important component of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Due to wars, the currency was very rare, but it does not affect its historical value.So it is necessary to give a survey on the basis of predecessors research in order to offer reference for other scholars further study.
    Learning and Innovation: the Construction of Chinese Discourse System in International Shipping Industry
    ZHANG Qiang1, YIN Ming2
    2018, 18(1):  55-63. 
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    Chinese discourse system is a necessary part of the contemporary socialism with Chinese characteristics. International shipping industry is a national strategic industry in which building a Chinese discourse system plays an important role to safeguard the national maritime rights and promote the development of foreign trade which is also the core content of building maritime power. The decisionmakers should build Chinese discourse system from three different layers, they are macro discourse system focusing on overall national shipping strategy, medium discourse system related to the perfection of relevant shipping markets, micro discourse system to participant the shipping business. Learning and innovation are two magic weapons to build Chinese shipping discourse system.
    Present Situation and Thinking of Fujian Ports Integration into the Maritime Silk Road Construction
    PAN Jingjing1, WANG Ying2
    2018, 18(1):  64-68. 
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    As an important gateway to the international trade corridor, the port plays a key role in constructing the core area of the Maritime Silk Road and implementing the Maritime Silk Road strategy by Fujian province. The present situation of port development in Fujian is analyzed from the perspective of port layout and container throughput, and then the connectivity status between the Fujian ports and the ports along the Maritime Silk Road is analyzed based on the service schedules of six powerful liner shipping companies. From the levels of port itself, hinterland and foreland, three port construction ideas based on the theory of logistics network are put forward.
    High Speed Rail Network and Regional Innovation Space Evolution --An Empirical Analysis Based on the Yangtze River Economic Belt
    WANG Chunyang, WU Xiaowen
    2018, 18(1):  69-74. 
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    Based on the 110 level and above city panel data of 2000-2014 along the Yangtze River economic belt, DID (dual difference) method of empirical test of the effect of high speed railway construction of regional innovation space structure was used. The result shows that the railway construction significantly shortened the distance between the city highspeed rail along the Yangtze River economic zone and promoted the growth of innovation. High speed railway affects the innovation output of the cities in midwest, and is conducive to the formation of the east and west innovation interaction pattern, but also widens the gap between the cities with high railway and those without high speed railway. The unbalanced development trend of the spatial pattern of regional innovation is obvious. According to the analysis of the conclusion, some policy suggestions are put forward.
    Research on Evaluation and Transformation of Anhui Province Economic Development Zone
    WANG Xiaomeng
    2018, 18(1):  75-79. 
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    Development of Anhui economic development zone can greatly enhance economic strength of Anhui,which becomes a new economic growth point and promote the provincial economic development. Based on achievements of sixteen provincial development zones in Anhui province, the development evaluation index was constructed. The principal component analysis method of quantitative economics was used to carry on comprehensive evaluation. The strategy to accelerate the development is pointed out: make use of the leading and radiatingfunction of the provincial capitals development zone, cultivate the new developmentfunction of the zone, reinforce the labourpower resource guarantee, increase the governinents support to the zone, better the supervision and evaluation of the zones development.
    Strategy to Promote Anhuis Building New Inland Open Highland --Based on Comparison and Study in Six Central Provinces
    XIA Zhangxu1, JIN Zehu2
    2018, 18(1):  80-87. 
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    Through the empirical study of relevant data and theoretical model, the advantage of Anhui to build inland open highland is compared with six inland provinces, Anhui is ranked first between economic radiation ability in the Yangtze River economic belt and market potential. The infrastructure is also in the forefront of the inland six provinces. Besides, Anhui is No. 1 of competitive industries. Therefore, Anhui should strengthen the cooperation with the Yangtze River economic belt to play a regional radiationdriven capacity, learn from the successful experience of free trade zone and promote the depth of external cooperation, improve infrastructure and finish the implementation of transport interoperability, create favorable investment environment, take advantage of industry transfer and elongated short board to strengthen regional cooperation.
    Research on the Formation Mechanism and Prevention Countermeasures of P2P Network Loan Platform Credit Risk
    PENG Chengliang1,2, HE Qizhi2
    2018, 18(1):  88-95. 
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    Based on the current development status of P2P network loan industry, starting from the operation model, the causes of P2P network loan platform credit risk in China are analyzed. Research results show that: under three models of information, similar credit, and credit intermediary, the complexity and infectivity of risk faced by the platform are gradually increasing, and the probability of credit risk of platform is raising in turn. Therefore, the choice of platform model has a crucial impact on the credit risk of the platform. And the information intermediary model is the right direction for the future development. Finally, some relevant countermeasures and suggestions of platform credit risk prevention are given to the lender, platform, and regulator.
    Impact and Inspiration of Internet Finance on Credit Card of Commercial Banks
    SONG Hua, LI Pengfei
    2018, 18(1):  96-99. 
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    Along with the rising of Internet finance in recent years, there appeared new ways of financing such as Ali small loans and new modes of payment such as twodimensional code payment, which appeared and developed very rapidly. All these must impose great impact on the business of commercial banks, especially the credit and payment business of credit card. The impact of these Internet consumer credit and new modes of Internet payment imposed on credit card business, as well as the inspiration from the development of Internet finance for credit card business are described.
    A Study of Investment Environment and Strategy in Five Countries in Middle and East Europe Under “Belt and Road”
    LIN Qing1, CHENG Qiqi2
    2018, 18(1):  100-104. 
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    Under the background of “Belt and Road” and “16+1” cooperation, Chinas OFDI in middle and east Europe is analyzed. The factors of investment environment include political, economic, logistic and doing business. And thereby some suggestions are put forward to promote the investment.
    Reading “Devil” Image in Terrorist
    DUAN Lifang
    2018, 18(1):  105-108. 
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    Terrorist is a novel written by John Updike inspired by 9·11 incident. “Devil” image throughout the novel and the authors innovation is analyzed. It is argued that loss of faith as a social problem is the real reason why the protagonist decides to carry out the terrorist action in guard of his faith to God.
    Literary Connotation and Value of White Crane Ridge Inscription
    LIU Xingliang
    2018, 18(1):  109-116. 
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    The extant White Crane Ridge inscription is mainly composed of poems, inscription, notes, words and so on. Except the general inscription, the number of poems is the largest, and the number of parts of speech is less, and the formation of the late is later. In general, the white crane ridge inscription literature is different from the traditional literary lyric keynote, with a strong documentary characteristics, and this record is mainly reflected in the foreign exchange brokers, chronicle, and the historical records of Shiliang area.The literary characteristics of the white crane ridge inscription clearly reflects some aspects of the Chinese stone literature, and also outlines some aspects of the development of the regional literature.
    Research on Generation Mechanism and Coping Strategies of the Events of Public Opinions in Context of WeMedia --Taking the SkyhighPriceDish in Harbin
    HUANG Jun
    2018, 18(1):  117-123. 
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    There are so many events of public opinions in travel market due to price fraud and overcharging customers after entering the times of WeMedia. The reasons to cause the events of public opinions are as follows: the sensitivity is the basis of thinking; the audiences strong moral intervention is the emotional foundation; and the failure in mediation by the supervision department of travel market is the emotional basis. The formation of public opinions in travel market contains three steps: the relay of communication of the netizens is the source of causing public opinions; network media s promotion is the critical point; and the mass media follow up and ultimately cause the event of public opinions. There are four strategies to cope with the events of public opinions in travel market: to improve media literacy of the staffs in travel market; to establish a reasonable management system of safety; to create the chain of quick response; and to have the consciousness of public crisis and management.
    National Development and Cultural Fusion in The Map of Love
    GU Hongyan, SUN Ni
    2018, 18(1):  124-127. 
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    The novel The Map of Love is an outstanding creation on national historical writing by Ahdaf Soueif, an Egyptian immigrant woman writer. The novel not only demonstrates the exploration of the national history, but also expresses Soueif’s views on the integration of eastern and western cultures. ArabMuslim womans identity is one of the themes in the novel. From the perspective of postcolonial criticism, through the analysis of the writing back of imperial history and the theme of Muslin womens image in the novel, Soueifs thoughts on national problem and Muslin womens identity are deeply investigated. It is believed that this novel expresses the authors consciousness on cultural fusion.
    Dialogue and Communication: Implications of Bakhtins Theory on Translation for International Publicity
    YANG Jianxin1,2,XUAN Huifang3
    2018, 18(1):  128-133. 
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    Translation plays an essential role in Chinas international communication and such a role has been a hot topic in many areas including literature, culture, translation, communication studies etc. Bakhtins theories have greatly influenced humanities. Bakhtins theories of intersubjectivity, dialogicity and active response are summarized. Then based on those theories and some specific cases of translation, the issues of the identity of Chinese culture, dialogicity in translation, and active response in translation for international publicity are discussed. It is found that Bakhtins theories have provided an insightful path for translation for international publicity, namely, communication and dialogue.
    Corpusbased Study on the Translation Style of Howard Goldblatt
    NIU Jiang, LI Yingyu
    2018, 18(1):  134-138. 
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    With the help of frequency counting and quantitative analysis, the lexical and syntactic features of Howard Goldblatts three translational representative works were explored and his translation style was analyzed through multidimensional observed corpus selection and research design. The results indicate that faithfulness to the original is the basic principle of Howard Goldblatt in terms of standard type token ratio and mean word length. In the use of sentence, he takes into account the acceptability of target language readers and gives full play to the translators subjective initiative in order to improve the acceptability of the translational versions which feature both characteristics of the translated text and the original text.
    On the Problems and Coping Strategies of Translating Titles of Regional Rules and Regulations --Based on the Practice of Jiangsu Province and Shanghai Municipality
    HU Bo
    2018, 18(1):  139-144. 
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    A comparison between the characteristics of the titles of the rules and regulations between China and some countries within AngloAmerican law systems is made. Then, some problems of title translation of regional rules and regulations in China are pointed out with the analysis of its hidden reasons, by taking the translation practice in Jiangsu province and Shanghai municipality as examples. Finally, some tackling measures are given, hoping to draw more attention of the concerning departments on the unity and standardization of translating regional rules and regulations.