›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (6): 18-23.

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Herder:Theoretical Construction of a “Nation” and the Value of Folk Literature

WANG Shujiao   

  1. (Institute of Culture, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)
  • Received:2018-01-04 Online:2018-12-20 Published:2018-12-12



  1. 北京市社会科学院 文化所,北京 100101
  • 作者简介:王淑娇(1989—),女,北京市社会科学院博士后,研究方向:西方文论。

Abstract: Johann Gottfried Herder, who was called “the greatest advocate of cultural nationalism” by Isaiah Berlin, actively developed German folk literature while he proposed the concept of nationality and belonging in theory to prove the inevitability of developing national language and culture. As a kind of external opportunity, the impact of foreign culture, the rationalism and universalism advocated by the enlightenment occupied the dominant position of the thoughts, which directly stimulated Herders reflection of the traditional culture of himself and his seeking the traditional German civilization for the noble origin of the German.

Key words: Herder, nation, belonging, modernity, folk literature

摘要: 被以赛亚·伯林称为“文化民族主义的最伟大倡导者”的赫尔德在积极发展德国民间文学的同时,还从理论上提出民族、归属的概念,以证明发展民族语言和文化的必然性。外来强势文化的冲击,启蒙运动所倡导的理性主义、普遍主义作为一种外部契机,在思想上占据统治地位,直接激发了赫尔德对自己本民族传统文化的反思,在传统的德意志文明中寻找德意志民族的高贵起源以及文化重建的出路。

关键词: 赫尔德, 民族, 隶属, 现代性, 民间文学