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    20 December 2018, Volume 18 Issue 6
    Way of Clean Governance in National Security Domain
    HU Xia
    2018, 18(6):  1-6. 
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    In contemporary China the emphasis on national security contributes to the fulfillment of security, on the other hand it also induces power expansion. The abuse of power undoubtedly can bring impediments to clean governance, but the power supervision and clean governance construction lack public and transparent mechanisms from outside environment and check and balance mechanisms from inside environment due to sensitiveness and confidentiality of national security. Hence, making the clean government administering research in the national security domain can help face up to and grapple with the new risks of clean governance, then improve and perfect the governance systems of clean governance.
    Reaction to Educating People with Morality in the Cultivation and Practice of College Students Socialist Core Values in Micro Era
    WANG Shisong
    2018, 18(6):  7-11. 
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    Education people with morality is of significance in the cultivation and practice of college students socialist core values in micro era. But there are still some obstacles, such as a few college students lack of subjectivity, the dullness of propaganda and education material, “high and empty” communication mode, overactiveness of social ideological trend and lack of Chinese traditional culture. Depending on Chinese excellent traditional culture, the main content of socialist core values, with the logic process of what to “cultivate”, to “cultivate” what, how to “cultivate”, we can cultivate and practise college students socialist core values in micro era, so as to moralize people by “the internet” and educate them with it.
    On the Predetermined Weight of Determined Facts
    HUANG Xixin
    2018, 18(6):  12-17. 
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    At present, there are conflicting provisions of relevant judicial construction in China on the decision of the fact. And despite the fact that the relevant provisions represented by Article 9 of the “Rules of Evidence”, which has the effect of predetermined weight of the judgment, there exist many problems that are unworthy of the name and can easily lead to the application of the conflict. However, after being transformed by Chinas “specialization”, they have been accepted by judges at the forefront of judiciary practice. If these provisions are casually and completely negated, and further replaced by the newlyintroduced, then it may cause the inconsistence with the existing legal system in China. Therefore, it should be on the basis of clarifying the predetermined weight of res judicata theory and other relations, and actively docking the latest legal provisions on the validity of predetermined weight and positive res judicata, to make unified interpretations in the same civil action legal system.
    Herder:Theoretical Construction of a “Nation” and the Value of Folk Literature
    WANG Shujiao
    2018, 18(6):  18-23. 
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    Johann Gottfried Herder, who was called “the greatest advocate of cultural nationalism” by Isaiah Berlin, actively developed German folk literature while he proposed the concept of nationality and belonging in theory to prove the inevitability of developing national language and culture. As a kind of external opportunity, the impact of foreign culture, the rationalism and universalism advocated by the enlightenment occupied the dominant position of the thoughts, which directly stimulated Herders reflection of the traditional culture of himself and his seeking the traditional German civilization for the noble origin of the German.
    The Central Bank of Chongqing Branch and Sichuan Provinces Currency Reform (1935—1937)
    TIAN Qingqing
    2018, 18(6):  24-29. 
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    Since modern times,the financial chaos in Sichuan and the flood of paper money have been deeply affected by economy and peoples livelihood. In early 1935, Chiang Kaishek plotted to establish a rear base in Sichuan province. After the power penetrated Sichuan Province, he began to organize the finance. The central bank Chongqing branch was born. Since then, the central bank of Chongqing branch laid an economic foundation by the establishment of the rear base for the antiJapanese war from a financial point of view with the national governments political and military behavior, through the recovery of the destruction of banknotes, the implementation of national statutory monetary policy, the currency reform in Sichuan province before the full outbreak of antiJapanese war.
    Study of Newspaper Publication in Chongqing in the 1950s
    GAO Hong
    2018, 18(6):  30-34. 
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    At the beginning of the founding of new China, Chongqing was the southwest regional capital and municipality directly under the central government. In order to promote the Partys policy, implement the Partys guidelines and reflect the masss life, the government must build its own newspapers, thus the publication of a number of public or internal newspapers which presented the salient feature of the new society, and left many valuable experiences for the later development of journalism.
    A Comparative Study of Yin and Yang Culture Between China and Japan
    XU Feng1,WANG Yongchao2
    2018, 18(6):  35-44. 
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    Yin and Yang culture in China and Japan has the shared origin and exerts significant impact on the two countries, which has farreaching influence on philosophy, literature, religion, art and folk custom of the two countries. But so far only a few studies have been done on the comparison in China. With the origin of Yin and Yang culture between China and Japan as the starting point, this paper compares the essential characteristics of them, such as the original and exotic, gradual and abrupt, speculative and specific, and also compares their extension characteristics, such as the development history, spread way, application scope, then explores the differences and similarities of Yin and Yang culture between China and Japan by using the method of combining the horizontal and vertical, comparison diachronic and synchronic. It aims at providing a theoretical reference and effective example to study the outside influence of Chinese culture and the successful mode of Chinese traditional cultures “going out”.
    Research on the Public Service Reception of the Local Government in Song Dynasty --Taking Chengdu District as the Center
    XU Weining, WANG Xiaolong
    2018, 18(6):  45-52. 
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    In Song dynasty, Chengdu district was located in the southwest border of the country, far away from Kaifeng, Linan and other national centers, and the official reception of local government has certain characteristics. The official reception can be divided into official banquet, gift, official tourism, etc. Of them, the food of formal banquets is diverse and the scene is prosperous, which embodies the characteristics of the daily and extravagant affairs of the public service in Chengdu district. Gifting reflects the richness and diversity of gifts in Chengdu district. The official travel records of Chengdu district are dominated by official travel notes. But official travel is still limited, which embodies the characteristics of the diversified forms of official official tour. At the same time, we also need to see some inadequacies in supervision, non standard activities and huge expenditure in some places.
    Research on Urban Traffic Congestion Governance in the View of Cooperative Governance --Taking Jinan City
    YUAN Cui, LAI Fengbo, GENG Cong
    2018, 18(6):  53-60. 
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    With the acceleration of Chinas urbanization process, urban traffic congestion is becoming more and more serious based on the urban traffic congestion. The causes of congestion are explored from the perspective of comprehensive governance. At the same time, an empirical study is carried out on the cooperative governance of the intersection in Jinan. On the basis of urban traffic control in the past, the new mode of CO governance by different stakeholders is condensed, and a new plan for urban traffic congestion management is proposed from the perspective of synergistic governance, including the determination of the power and responsibility of the stakeholders, the transformation of government functions, the improvement of the participation degree of the enterprises and the public, and the improvement of urban public transportation, system and measures to improve the quality of urban planning.
    Research on Influencing Factors of Development of the Shared Parking and Countermeasures
    YANG Yaxi, YAO Yuqi, YANG Bo
    2018, 18(6):  61-67. 
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    The shared parking uses the Internet to establish the new parking management system in line with shared economy “innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing” idea, integrates the fragmentary urban space resources, uses the idle spaces efficiently, realizes the staggered rush hour plan on parking and gets through the barriers of supply and demand between the parking spaces. However, the shared parking in China is currently restricted by various factors such as the location technique, functions, laws and regulations, market mechanism, marketing strategy and the related interest subjects and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the causes of the above factors, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to promote the orderly development of the shared parking in China and play the positive role of the shared parking in easing the parking problem.
    Present Situation of Ningbo Transportation Industry and Countermeasures
    WEN Xiaodong, ZHANG Zhenya, WANG Saisai, FENG Lei
    2018, 18(6):  68-72. 
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    The present situation of Ningbo transportation industrial development has been analyzed from industrial background, problems and challenges. And countermeasures for industrial development are put forward based on transportation, highlighting Ningbo characteristics, aiming at market demand, making up the obvious short board and stimulating the economic kinetic energy. This will promote the integration of transportation and industry, and enhance the core competitiveness of the traffic industry in Ningbo.
    Analysis of Regional Differences and Influencing Factors of OFDI in Shandong Enterprises
    YUAN Qigang1, GAO Chen1, ZHANG Wei2
    2018, 18(6):  73-82. 
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    There are many reasons for the differences in the direct foreign investment behavior of companies in different regions. First, according to the OFDI traffic and economic development level, the 17 cities in Shandong Province are divided into developed and developing regions, and then based on the panel data of outward direct investment in the 17 cities in Shandong Province from 2006 to 2015, the Theil Index was used to measure the degree of interregional differences and intraregional differences of OFDI in Shandong Province and their respective contribution rates. Then, an empirical study was conducted on the influencing factors of OFDI in each region. The results show that economic development level and financial development level have positive effect on OFDI in Shandong Province; industrialization level and R&D level have significant impact on the developed regions, but have no significant impact on the developing regions; cultural development level has no significant effect on developed regions, but on the developing regions it is significant; foreign direct investment has no significant impact on foreign direct investment in these two regions. Finally, we summarize the influencing factors of OFDI in different regions of Shandong Province and put forward some suggestions for their development.
    Analysis on Influence of “Belt and Road” Initiative on Chinas Overseas Investment Efficiency
    LI Yujuan
    2018, 18(6):  83-88. 
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    With the “Belt and Road” initiative put forward in 2013, China has expanded influence over international affairs. Chinas investment in the countries along the “Belt and Road” has changed: the investment scale has become larger; the investment area and the industry distribution are diversified; the investment mode is becoming more and more diversified. By establishing a model, this paper analyzes the direct flow of 37 countries along the route and its influencing factors under the “Belt and Road” initiative. It draws the conclusion that the “Belt and Road” initiative will increase Chinas investment in the countries along the “Belt and Road”, and puts forward some suggestions, such as strengthening the infrastructure construction with the existing countries, optimizing the investment location selection, expanding the investment industrial structure, and constructing the investment industry structure, building Chinas investment financial system, increasing financial support.
    Export Structure Decomposition and Competitiveness Measurement of BRICS Exports in Global Value Chain
    CHANG Ran, YANG Laike
    2018, 18(6):  89-96. 
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    This paper uses WWZ decomposition method and WIOD database to analyze the value of BRICS exports from 2005 to 2014 from the perspective of the whole manufacturing industry and segmented industries, and calculates the competitiveness RCA_VD index based on forward linkage. The research shows: 1) the manufacturing level of Brazil is in a relatively upstream position. Chinas manufacturing sector is moving towards the upstream of GVC and remains at the low end. Indias manufacturing sector is declining and is heavily dependent on manufacturing imports. Russias manufacturing sector is at the top; 2) Chinas lowtech industries are relatively downstream, while Indias lowtech and mediumtech industries are obviously downstream. Chinas hightech industries are moving closer to the upstream, while Russias is in the upstream of all industries; 3) Brazils lowtechnology industries have comparative advantages, while hightechnology industries have obvious disadvantages. All industries in China have comparative advantages. Indias lowtech, mediumtech and lowtech industries have comparative advantages, while its hightech industries have obvious disadvantages. Russias low and mediumtechnology industries have comparative advantages, while the rest have obvious competitive disadvantages and uneven development. There is no significant linear relationship between a countrys manufacturing scale, comparative advantage and GVCSparticipation and status.
    Study on the Construction of the Regulation Mechanism of the Interest Rate Corridor in China
    ZHENG Lanxiang, ZHAO Weidong
    2018, 18(6):  97-103. 
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    Since the 1990s, the regulation mechanism of the interest rate corridor has gradually become the choice of the monetary policy regulation mode of the Central Bank of many countries.With the further development of Chinas interest rate marketization road, the change and construction of the monetary policy framework of China have attracted much attention. China has basically established the mechanism of interest rate corridor conditions, including standing loan facilities (SLF) that can be used as the interest rate in Chinas interest rate corridor ceiling, the excess reserve rate can be used as a corridor to lower interest rates, interest rate policy and market operation target should be used in the reverse repo rate 7 days of the central bank and the Bank of Shanghai interbank lending rates (SHIBOR).
    Cluster Analysis of the Contribution Rate of Fujians Foreign Trade Economy Based on the OWA_TOPSIS Model
    ZHU Qing
    2018, 18(6):  104-108. 
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    On the basis of the data of the contribution rate of foreign trade to economy in nine cities of Fujian Province from 2009 to 2016,the OWA operator weights method was proposed to allocate the weights of different years, which was combined with the TOPSIS model to make a systematic assessment of trade and economic benefits of the city. The spatial cluster analysis of the foreign trade of Fujian province economy contribution rate was also conducted. The conclusions are: the foreign trade and economic contribution rate of Quanzhou, Zhangzhou Fuzhou and Xiamen is lower than the city of Nanping, Sanming and Longyan.The city foreign trade economic contribution rate of Ningde and Putian is in the middle level. The conclusion after weight correction is consistent with the traditional TOPSIS evaluation. In addition, the contribution rate of the foreign trade to economy in various cities in Fujian shows a large spatial difference, to which the countermeasures are also put forward.
    The Research of Brand Logo Update Designin Consumption Upgrade Environment
    YANG Musheng, FAN Ying
    2018, 18(6):  109-112. 
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    Combining the cases of corporate brand logo update design at home and abroad in recent years and the change of marketing environment, the paper discusses the trend of modern enterprise brand logo update design and finds a more reasonable and effective logo update design strategy. Brand logo update is mainly to adapt to the internal need of enterprise development, the need of interactive consumption of the Internet, and the need of consumption aesthetic in the new era, the strategy of modern enterprise brand logo update design mainly has the innovation design and the evolutionary design.
    Analysis of Errors in ChineseEnglish Translation of Engineering Texts on the Basis of a Learners Corpus
    LUO Tian1, WU Diju2
    2018, 18(6):  113-118. 
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    Translation error analysis constitutes an important part of translation teaching and research. On the basis of a selfbuilt learners corpus, the present study mainly addresses the linguistic errors in translating English texts into Chinese by English learners. The authors collected the engineering texts translated by junior English and translation majors at Chongqing Jiaotong University, established a parallel corpus and conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the translation errors found in the corpus. Our findings reveal that interlingual errors outnumber intralingual ones. Of the interlingual errors, improper use of subjects in sentences is the most frequently seen; while of the intralingual errors, grammatical errors rank the top.
    Cognitive Transformation of the Chinese Orientation Construction“X is on Y”
    LIAO Deming, LIANG Chaojuan
    2018, 18(6):  119-127. 
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    The “focusbackground” of the Chinese orientation constructions “X is on Y ”is not only dissociative, but also transformational . Although the word “on” can express a variety of spatial relations, in these relations, only to the relation of upward contact and the disjointness may allow the “X is on Y” to translate into “Y is under X”. Between the two relationships, if the focus “X” expresses the thing capable of active movement, the focus “X” and background “Y” cannot switch into each other; if the focus “X” expresses the thing incapable of active movement, the switch will accord with the size of “X” and “Y”. This shows that the transition of “X is on Y” into “Y is under X” depends on active movement, and the size of the shape is secondary.
    Linguistic Landscape Development and Tourism Resources Exploitation --A Study of the International Cultural Tourism Demonstration Zone of Southern Anhui
    JIN Yi
    2018, 18(6):  128-133. 
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    Linguistic landscape, the visible language in public places, reflects the local history and culture and creates social and economic value and therefore it is an important symbol of a society and a tourism resource as well. Based on the communication function, the aesthetic function and the cultural function of linguistic landscape, this paper analyses how to promote the image and develop the tourism resources of the International Cultural Tourism Demonstration Zone of Southern Anhui and ultimately achieve allforone tourism.
    Study on Cooperative Training Mode of Government, Enterprise, University and Academic Institution for Fulltime Master of Engineering
    HOU Zhongwei, FENG Ruisheng, DONG Lili
    2018, 18(6):  134-137. 
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    This paper analyses the problems and challenges based on the cooperative training needs of fulltime engineering post graduate, redefines the scope of government, enterprise, university and academic institution. A cooperative training mode of government, enterprise, university and academic institution for fulltime engineering postgraduate was put forward in order to establish a more diversified,threedimensional training mode of fulltime engineering postgraduates and promote the leapforward development of postgraduate education.
    A Study on the Correlation Among Work Values, Selfefficacy and Entrepreneurial Motivation of Higher Vocational Students in Road Transportation Program
    CAI Yongmei1, FU Tingting2, LEI Jun1, LI Mengxiao1
    2018, 18(6):  138-144. 
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    A questionnaire survey was conducted on 514 post90th road transportation professional students of the Yunnan Vocational and Technical College of Transportation using the New Generation Work Value Scale, the General Selfefficacy Scale, and the Measurement Questionnaire of Contemporary College Students Entrepreneurship Motivation. The main research findings are: Firstyear students are significantly higher than the secondyear students in the aspect of “longterm development”; the different grades have no significant difference in selfefficacy; the firstyear students are significant higher than the secondyear students on the “selfrealization” entrepreneurial motivation. And the secondyear students are significantly higher on the “recovery for riches” dimension than the firstyear students; those students’ work values, selfefficacy and entrepreneurial motivation are significantly positively correlated. Although the impact of some dimensions of work values on entrepreneurial motivation are partially mediated by selfefficacy, the work values are the direct influence of entrepreneurial motivation. The results suggest that when conducting innovation and entrepreneurship education for road transport vocational college students, we should not ignore the effect of work value and selfefficacy.