›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (6): 7-11.

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Reaction to Educating People with Morality in the Cultivation and Practice of College Students Socialist Core Values in Micro Era

WANG Shisong   

  1. (School of Marxism, Huainan Normal University, Huainan, Anhui 232038, China)
  • Received:2018-03-08 Revised:2018-03-20 Online:2018-12-20 Published:2018-12-12

微时代以文化人在大学生社会主义核心价值观 培育和践行中的应对


  1. 淮南师范学院 马克思主义学院,安徽 淮南 232038
  • 作者简介:王仕松(1973—),男,淮南师范学院马克思主义学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:思想政治教育。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Education people with morality is of significance in the cultivation and practice of college students socialist core values in micro era. But there are still some obstacles, such as a few college students lack of subjectivity, the dullness of propaganda and education material, “high and empty” communication mode, overactiveness of social ideological trend and lack of Chinese traditional culture. Depending on Chinese excellent traditional culture, the main content of socialist core values, with the logic process of what to “cultivate”, to “cultivate” what, how to “cultivate”, we can cultivate and practise college students socialist core values in micro era, so as to moralize people by “the internet” and educate them with it.

Key words: micro era, educate people with morality, college students socialist core value, cultivate, practice

摘要: 微时代以文化人在大学生社会主义核心价值观培育和践行中意义重大。面对少数大学生主体性缺失、宣传教育素材欠生动、传播方式存在“一高二空”、社会思潮活跃、传统文化缺失等障碍,以中华优秀传统文化思想内涵为依托,以社会主义核心价值观为主要内容,从用什么“化”、“化”什么、如何“化”三方面确立微时代以文化人在大学生社会主义核心价值观培育和践行中的逻辑进路,实现以“网”化人、以“网”育人。

关键词: 微时代, 以文化人, 大学生社会主义核心价值观, 培育, 践行