›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (3): 126-132.

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A Critical Discourse Analysis of English News Discourse from the Perspective of Faircloughs Threedimensional Model --Based on News Reports of Chinese Anticorruption in The New York Times Official Website

LI Qingming, WU Hua   

  1. (College of Humanities and Foreign Languages, Xian University of Technology, Xian 710054, China)
  • Received:2018-05-07 Revised:2018-06-18 Online:2019-05-20 Published:2019-05-24

费氏三维分析模型视角下英语新闻语篇的批评性话语分析 ——以《纽约时报》官方网站关于中国反腐报道为例


  1. 西安理工大学 人文与外国语学院,西安 710054
  • 作者简介:李庆明(1963—),男,西安理工大学人文与外国语学院教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:翻译理论与实践、语言学;吴华(1993—),女,西安理工大学人文与外国语学院硕士研究生,研究方向:翻译理论与实践。

Abstract: As a new method in discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis has great significance in revealing the relationship between power, ideology and discourse. News report is an important way of spreading information. And people always accept it without any prejudice. However, the underlying ideology in it is often ignored by the readers. The latest relative news on Chinese anticorruption in The New York Times official website is selected and the hidden ideology and political standpoints and corresponding reasons behind the text are explored through the detailed analysis of text, discourse practice and social practice of Faircloughs threedimensional model.

Key words: Chinese anticorruption, news discourse, threedimensional model, critical discourse analysis, The New York Times

摘要: 批评性话语分析作为新型语篇分析方法,对于揭示语言背后隐藏的权力、意识形态和话语的关系具有重要意义。新闻作为传播信息的重要方式,总是被人们欣然接受而不带任何偏见,但是其中蕴含的意识形态往往被读者忽略。选取近期《纽约时报》官方网站关于中国反腐新闻报道为语料,基于费尔克劳夫三维分析模型,分别从文本实践、话语实践和社会实践三个方面对新闻语篇进行批评性话语分析,探讨文本背后隐藏的意识形态和政治立场,剖析其深层次的原因。

关键词: 中国反腐, 新闻话语, 三维分析模型, 批评性话语分析, 《纽约时报》