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    20 May 2019, Volume 19 Issue 3
    BRICS Initiative and Chinas Cooperative Governance Strategy
    LIU Yi
    2019, 19(3):  1-7. 
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    The BRICS initiative provides a possible approach for China to make a full participation in the global governance, which means a comprehensive plan for global strategy. As a key player in BRICS cooperative governance, China is mainly working on two kinds of strategies: lateral and longitudinal. Both help to achieve the desired progress for BRICS cooperation. The possible approaches for China to further improve cooperative governance include: provide creative plan for cooperative governance by providing more global public goods; extend the BRICS influence substantially in global indepth governance; make an institutional attempt for BRICS cooperation and gain better position for China in leading this possible process of cooperative governance.
    Research on the Virtual Currency Based on Regulations and Criminal Law of China
    WANG Yijue
    2019, 19(3):  8-14. 
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    There are three main periods of regulating virtual currency in China. The first is to focus on the traditional virtual currency, regarding “whether the network virtual property belongs to the property of criminal law”. Secondly, studying on the convertible virtual currency, especially bitcoin. Besides, suspects may use bitcoin for illegal financing, illegal trading of foreign exchange etc. In order to prevent bitcoinrelated crime risks in advance, it is necessary to improve the regulatory measures and explain the related crimes in criminal law properly.
    Research about the Spiritual Conservation of Daqing and Cadres Fine Style of Work
    WANG Xiaoqin
    2019, 19(3):  15-20. 
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    From the internal logic of the Daqing spirit, the good work style of cadres is cultivated. The problems and causes of cadres work style in the new period are combined. The realistic approaches of how the Daqing spirit cultivates the good work style of cadres are sorted out. In practice, some effective ways should be taken to improve the style of work such as learning and education, assessment and incentive, discipline constraints, ability promotion, practice, supervision and accountability, and so on.
    Probing into the Transfer of the Focus of Literature and Art Education in the Streak of War
    LIU Qingfeng, DENG Qungang
    2019, 19(3):  21-29. 
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    “Enlighten peoples wit and become new citizens” was mainly the goal of Jiangjin experimental zone all the time. Before the war, the focus of the literature and art education is around curing the ‘illiterate’. With the outbreak of the war and intensification of the situation, the focus of the focuses was to cultivate the consciousness of the group and the national spirit, which adds new contents for the literature and art education. From then on, the focus of the literature and art education shifts from curing the ‘illiterate’ to fighting against Japan for existence.
    Research on the Preferential Treatment to the Families of AntiJapanese Military in JinSui Border Region During the AntiJapanese War
    LIU Xinyue1,ZHANG Wenjun2
    2019, 19(3):  30-39. 
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    The government of Jinsui border region compensated the families of antiJapanese soldiers in the production, material benefits, honorary and preferential treatment during the antiJapanese war. The implementation of special care has achieved remarkable results, the military and civilians enthusiasm of resistance were totally inspired. However, the special care also has some insufficiency at that time, which was mainly reflected in the lack of implementation of grassroots work and the ideological deviation of some people and soldiers families. Some historical experiences during this period, such as establishing a reasonable and feasible standard of care according to the actual situation, increasing public participation in special care work, detailing the implementation of special care measures according to the surveys and investigations, etc. These historical experiences also have some reference value to promote the reform of current Chinese military special care system.
    An Overview of Domestic Research on the Chinese AntiJapanese War Newspapers and Periodicals in Southeast Asia
    XUN Qingqing, LIU Yumei
    2019, 19(3):  40-45. 
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    Chinese newspapers and periodicals play an important role in the dissemination and education of Chinese literature and art circles in Southeast Asia. Among them, the newspapers and periodicals during the AntiJapanese War had distinct characteristics of the times. However, at present, the research on Chinese newspapers and periodicals in Southeast Asia is still lacking. Three types of literature and the research situation in China according to these types are summarized. Compared with the previous review articles, its existing research results are analyzed and its own understanding and analysis at any time are given.
    A Review of the Traffic Ethics Value of Sharing Bikes
    QU Zhenhui1, LI Qiuyan2
    2019, 19(3):  46-50. 
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    Modern transportation ethics has become a diversified value system. As a new type of transportation, sharing bicycle is in accordance with its environmental protection, speed, convenience and other values, but it is insufficient in safety, comfort and other values. Modern society has become the automobile society.The rise of the sharing bicycle is a big challenge. It has helped to wean people off their dependence on cars and to travel in a more diverse and more liberal way, helping to heal the cracks in the car society. Sharing bike has not only changed the way people travel, it has also changed peoples life.
    Research on the Reform System of Transportation Supply Side Structure in Henan Province Based on DSGE Model
    JIANG Zhaohua, MA Jiao
    2019, 19(3):  51-60. 
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    The dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model is introduced, based on the theory of supplyside structure reform and the development of road and waterway transportation in Henan province, including 10 control variables,10 random variables and a state variable. A model group consisting of 10 supplyside model and demandside model of transportation in Henan province and 10 random variable models were established, and the expected utility function and Lagrange function were constructed, and Bayesian method and econometric methods to estimate parameters were used. Finally, the development objective of the main state variables and control variables of transportation system in Henan province by 2025 are predicted.
    Characteristics and Enlightenment of German Construction Waste Management Policy
    CHEN Yazhi, MA Mingke, GAO Jingli
    2019, 19(3):  61-67. 
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    Germany is the most advanced country in the management of construction waste in Europe. The legislation and policy of construction waste has gone through three stages: “end management”, “front prevention” and “circular economy”. The German construction waste management legislation policy is summarized. Germany in establishing a perfect legal framework and system specification is analyzed. Producer responsibility mechanism, five waste management hierarchy structure and pollution charge of mandatory policy characteristics in aspects of economic policy are extended. German experience enlightenment to China is concluded.
    Research on Capital Allocation Efficiency of Stateowned Enterprises and Its Promotion Measures
    PENG Zhisheng, WANG Yan
    2019, 19(3):  68-75. 
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    All listed companies from 1998 to 2016 are selected as samples and statistics of capital allocation efficiency are classified according to different characteristics of the year, industry and region, and makes an empirical test. The research shows that the capital allocation efficiency of stateowned enterprises has improved significantly in recent years. In addition to the capital allocation efficiency of stateowned enterprises in construction industry, agriculture and cultural sports entertainment industry, the other industries are still significantly lower than other nonstateowned enterprises. Although there is no significant difference in the efficiency between east, middle and western regions, there is a significant difference between different provinces. The research also shows that, with the increase in the ratio of stateowned shares, the efficiency of the capital allocation is down first, reaching the lowest, and then rising rapidly. Finally, the guidance of optimizing the layout of the stateowned economy and improving the efficiency of the allocation of stateowned capital is put forward.
    Analysis and Forecast of Coupling Coordination Development among the TourismEconomyEnvironment in Wuwei City
    JIN Yibo1, SU Lijuan2, ZHANG Yumei3
    2019, 19(3):  76-84. 
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    Taking Wuwei city, the evaluation index system of coupling coordination degree among TourismEconomyEnvironment is constructed. Secondly the weight of each index is calculated using SPSS 19.0. Thirdly, the coupling coordination development among TEE system from 2009 to 2015 in Wuwei city is analyzed. Lastly, the coupling coordinative degree of TEE from the year 2016 to 2020 by GM ( 1, 1) forecasting model is predicted.The results show that composite index development is jumping from 2009 to 2015 in Wuwei city. The speed of TEE system development is different.The coupling coordination degree is increasing year by year and the systematic coupled coordination types are gradually evolving from advanced tourism development as the main type into advanced economic development one. The ecological environment cannot afford the development of tourism and economy. In the following five years, the coupling coordination index is 0.5764, 0.6305, 0.6897, 0.7544 and 0.8252 respectively. The coupling coordinative degree of TEE will come into harmonious development.
    Research on the “Goingout Strategy” of Industry with Advantage and Excessive Production Capability
    YANG Jie1, YE Xiaorong2
    2019, 19(3):  85-88. 
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    With Chinas industrialization and increase of production capacity, the situation of production surplus is prominent. Firstly, the stocks of each industry are analyzed. And then on the definition of the core concept, the international competitiveness of the superior industry, the industry with excessive production capacity and the industry with both advantage and excessive production capability are analyzed. Finally, a way for these industries to go out is given.
    The Game between Two Genders --Gaze and Countergaze in Harold Pinters Memory Play Old Times
    LIU Feipeng, LIU Minglu
    2019, 19(3):  89-95. 
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    In the contemporary British playwrights Harold Pinters memory play Old Times, by creating memories of “old times” with themselves as beneficiaries, Deeley and Anna have imposed gaze on Kate so as to gain the power of controlling her. Deeley the host showed depreciation for females and the lust to control them in the frame of patriarchy; Anna the visitor spoke for patriarchal radical feminism, who intends to control and discipline her samesex lover via gaze; however, Kate the hostess was not reduced to a powerless object in their gaze, but rather reestablishing the Old Times by her active use of discourse as countergaze in order to free herself from others discipline, dissolve the subject of gaze, and thus has constructed herself as a brand new selfreliant female image. It is also a reflection of the wave of feminism at that time.
    An Empirical Study of the Spread of Chinese Literature to Japan in the 18th Century
    XU Feng
    2019, 19(3):  96-101. 
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    The channel of the spread of Chinese literature to Japan in the 18th century is simple, but it has a wide range of communication and has a profound effect. The effect and influence of Chinese literature in Japan is evaluated, including the collection of Chinese books in Japan by describing the basic situation of the spread of Chinese novels, poetry and drama to Japan in the 18th century from four aspects: channel of communication, people of communication , content of communication, audience of communication. Finally, the characteristics and enlightenment of the spread of Chinese literature to Japan in the 18th century is summarized.
    Intertextuality between Rebirth Metaphors in D. H. Lawrences Poetry and Death Narrative Tradition in British Poetry
    CHEN Guicai1, YUAN Yichuan2
    2019, 19(3):  102-107. 
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    Death is one of the major themes in D. H. Lawrences poetry. Although he explores death tirelessly in all his literary life, his real exploration is the rebirth after death. His poetical exploration for the way of rebirth consists of the rebirth metaphor in the form of plants and the rebirth metaphor in the form of animals. Through these metaphor carriers, D.H. Lawrence finds some strong spiritual sustenance for his weak body and a dwelling place for his frightening soul, and ultimately finds a transcendental and being-towards-death way out for himself. Organic whole as D. H. Lawrences rebirth metaphor is, it remains an essential link in the great chain of being and in the great chain of influence of the tradition of death narrative in British poetry. The formation of his rebirth metaphor results not only from the influence of the great tradition of the death narrative in British poetry, but also in the dynamic formation of this great tradition, thus there remains some intertextuality between them.
    An Artistic Exploration of Political Enthusiasm --On LAO Shes AntiJapanese War Drama
    JI Kaijin
    2019, 19(3):  108-112. 
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    In the flood of antiJapanese literature and art, LAO She did not go with the flow, but paid attention to artistic thinking and exploration while resisting the patriotic propaganda of the enemy. So did his war dramas. Under the constant groping and hoeing, he presented the unique aspect of art, namely, the structure of culture, the rich artistic character and vivid characterization.This exploration has laid an important foundation for his future dramas maturity and classic emergence.
    A Study of the “Madness” Euphemism in Shakespeares Four Great Tragedies
    XIE Shijian, CHEN Xinguo
    2019, 19(3):  113-119. 
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    In Shakespeares four great tragedies, there are noticeable images of “madness” and euphemistic expressions related to “madness”. Using samples from the four great tragedies, the construction, characteristics, and principles of euphemistic expressions of “madness” are explored. The construction of euphemistic expressions in Shakespeares plays is rich and varied, and euphemism plays a noticeable role in making language attractive, shaping characters and expressing characters emotions.
    A Discourse Information Approach to the Credibility Assessment of the Eyewitness Accounts: A Pilot Study
    YU Xinbing
    2019, 19(3):  120-125. 
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    The credibility assessment of the eyewitness accounts has attracted researchers from different backgrounds, including but not limited to psycholinguistics and computational linguistics. The outcomes of these methods, however, have pitfalls for different reasons and Yuille et al (1989) advocated for a multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach to the information construction of the evidence. A simulation experiment is adopted to elicit a group of true eyewitness accounts as well as a group of fabricated ones before they are compared from the perspective of discourse information analysis. The result shows the DIAbased linguistic approach can distinguish the true accounts from the fabricated ones, which marks a different way in the field of credibility assessment of the eyewitness accounts.
    A Critical Discourse Analysis of English News Discourse from the Perspective of Faircloughs Threedimensional Model --Based on News Reports of Chinese Anticorruption in The New York Times Official Website
    LI Qingming, WU Hua
    2019, 19(3):  126-132. 
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    As a new method in discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis has great significance in revealing the relationship between power, ideology and discourse. News report is an important way of spreading information. And people always accept it without any prejudice. However, the underlying ideology in it is often ignored by the readers. The latest relative news on Chinese anticorruption in The New York Times official website is selected and the hidden ideology and political standpoints and corresponding reasons behind the text are explored through the detailed analysis of text, discourse practice and social practice of Faircloughs threedimensional model.