Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 79-86.

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Smuggling Trade and Government Control in Song and Jin Dynasties in Southern Song Dynasty

WEI Dingfei   

  1. School of History and Archives, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091,China
  • Received:2022-11-01 Revised:2022-12-29 Published:2023-05-26



  1. 云南大学 历史与档案学院,昆明 650091
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The smuggling trade between Jin and southern Song dynasties remained for hundreds of years.In order to restrain it from expanding, the Song government adopted diversified measures to control it and formed a strict antismuggling system.Smuggling trade between Song and Jin dynasties was an important part for their foreign trade.It began in the early southern Song dynasty and prospered after the Shaoxing agreement.Commodities dominated by tea and salt between Jin and southern Song dynasties had demand complementarity, and the need for special goods in Jin dynasty, which conldnt be satisfied through normal trade. The smuggling trade thrived and continued. Smuggling trade affected the income and political security of southern Song dynasty.So southern Song dynasty government implemented measures to control it, such as government civilian joint defense system, accusation and reward system, hierarchical control in border areas, punished officials who failed to crack down on smuggling. Although the smuggling trade had not been stopped by the strict antismuggling system, it played an important role in restraining smuggling.It was conducive to official income and political security, and it had a positive influence on safeguarding the economic development and national interests of southern Song dynasty.

Key words: southern Song dynasty;Jin dynasty;border smuggling;antismuggling system;commodity

摘要: 宋金走私贸易长达百年之久,南宋政府加以管控并形成严密完备的缉私制度。走私贸易是宋金对外贸易的重要组成部分,于宋初兴起,绍兴和议后趋于泛滥。宋金以茶盐为主的商品具有需求互补性并形成依赖,以及金朝对特殊物资的需求,无法通过正常贸易获得满足,走私贸易因此兴起并持续,影响南宋官课收入和政治稳定。南宋政府为此实施官民联防、告赏、边境地带分级管控、惩罚缉私不力官员进行管控。尽管未彻底阻断走私贸易,但南宋形成的缉私制度对走私贸易起到抑制作用,有利于官课收入和政治稳定,对保障南宋经济发展及维护国家利益产生积极影响。

关键词: 南宋;金;边境走私;缉私制度;商品经济