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    26 May 2023, Volume 23 Issue 3
    Basic Characteristics of XI Jinpings Significant Thought About Constitution
    CHEN Daofa
    2023, 23(3):  1-8. 
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    XI Jinpings significant thought about constitution is rooted in the great practice of building the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, based on Chinas national conditions and adhered to a problemoriented approach, aiming to solve the practical problems faced by constitutional governance and constitutional governance, which embodies distinct nature of practice; profoundly clarifies the people of our countrys constitution, and emphasizes that it is necessary to adhere to the status of the people as the prerequisite, to play the role of the people as the main body, and to protect the interests of the people as the end result in the process of governing the country and governing in accordance with the constitution, which embodies profound feelings of the people; profoundly reveals that upholding the leadership of the party is the fundamental political principle established in Chinas current constitution, and emphasizes that upholding the leadership of the party is the fundamental guarantee for the full implementation of the constitution, which embodies outstanding political character.
    The Great Partybuilding Spirit Has Been Integrated Into the Practical Path of Ideological and Political Theory Teaching in Colleges and Universities
    WU Chengguo, YU Qing
    2023, 23(3):  9-15. 
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    The great partybuilding spirit is the source of the spiritual genealogy of the Chinese communists, is a high degree of condensation of the centennial fighting spirit of the Communist Party of China, contains the fourdimensional connotation of “cognition”“mission”“responsibility” and “feelings”, and has the value of educating people in the era of forging souls, empowering and taking root. To write a splendid chapter in the new era, we should deeply and organically integrate the great partybuilding spirit with the teaching of ideological and political theory in colleges and universities, promote the innovation of ideological and political theory teaching in colleges and universities with the great partybuilding spirit, and cultivate new talents of the era who are worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation.
    Establishment and Perfection of Ecological Environment Restoration Responsibility in the Compilation of Ecological Environment Responsibility
    MAO Qingfang, LIU Shiqi
    2023, 23(3):  16-25. 
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    Chinas environmental code is about to be compiled, in which the “ecological environmental responsibility” is compiled independently. At the same time, there is still much room for improvement in the independence and specialization of the legal responsibility of environmental law. Although the responsibility for ecological environment restoration has been stipulated in the Civil Code, there is no relevant legal basis in the environmental law. In order to improve the responsibility system of ecological restoration and highlight the specialization and independence of its environmental legal responsibility, relevant provisions on ecological environmental restoration responsibility should be added to the “Ecological Environmental Responsibility” of the environmental code. In view of the practical problems of Chinas ecological environment restoration system, and in combination with the experience of the United States and the European Union on the ecological environment restoration system, this paper puts forward corresponding suggestions on the legislative model, scope of application, basic principles, general rules and other aspects of the responsibility for ecological environment restoration, and strives to solve practical problems in a unified and efficient way at the environmental code level.
    Research on the Subsidy Pricing Strategy of the Carhailing Market under the Aggregation Model
    LI Hao1, HE Xu1, TIAN Yuan2
    2023, 23(3):  37-45. 
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    The aggregation model has become a trend in the development of the carhailing market. Aiming at the difference in service level of service providers and platform fees, the optimal subsidy pricing strategy is discussed by constructing a Steinberg game model dominated by aggregation platforms. And the impact of subsidy pricing on the interests of various subjects and social welfare is further analyzed. Research shows that the subsidies provided by platforms and service providers to travelers have increased the service price of the online carhailing market, and the platform commissions have also increased; the implementation of subsidy strategies has improved the benefits of platforms and service providers with high service levels, but only when the service level and only when the degree of difference is large, is it beneficial to service providers with low service levels; a reasonable subsidy pricing strategy improves the overall social welfare, and the greater the degree of difference in service levels, the more effective the subsidy strategy.
    Influence of Environmental Protection Tax Law on Total Factor Productivity in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River
    HE Yu, WU Shaofan, ZHU Xiaobo
    2023, 23(3):  46-54. 
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    Based on the data of listed companies in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River from 2015 to 2020, this paper empirically investigates the impact of the environmental protection tax policy implemented in 2018 on the total factor productivity of enterprises in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River by using the differenceindifferences (DID). The conclusions show that the policy of environmental protection tax can significantly improve the total factor productivity of heavy polluting enterprises in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and the results still hold after a series of robustness tests. In addition, it takes time for the policy to have an impact on the total factor productivity, indicating that the policy has a relatively longterm effect. Compared with enterprises with higher TFP, the policy has a stronger promoting effect on the enterprises with intermediate TFP in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.
    Research on the Influence Mechanism of Economic Status and Migration Characteristics on Social Class Changes of Mobile Population
    DING Renchuan, WU Denghui, CAI Hong
    2023, 23(3):  55-64. 
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    Based on the CGSS 2018 survey data, regression analysis was applied to study the social class changes of the migrant population. It is found that: economic status is positively correlated with social class changes, and migration characteristics have differential effects on social class changes; mobile population class changes have significant regional heterogeneity, and social class changes are positively correlated with the disparity in economic development levels between regions; women with highly educated urban household registration are more likely to achieve social class leap through spatial migration. It is recommended to build an open urban social system, promote reasonable urban social class mobility, and cultivate civil society identity.
    Main Achievement and Practical Enlightenment of the Construction of the Primary Party Organization in Yanan Period
    XUE Mingzhu1, LI Yazheng2
    2023, 23(3):  65-70. 
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    The primary party organization construction in Yanan period is a glorious course of the history of the grassroots party organization construction of the Communist Party of China. During the thirteen years, the party organization construction gradually became perfect and mature. It had made major achievements in unifying its thinking, improving its organization and improving its party spirit. The practice and exploration achievements in the construction of primary party organizations during the Yanan period enlighten us that we should stick to arming primary party organizations with Marxism, strengthen the style construction of grassroots party members, and attach great importance to the cohesion construction of primary party organizations in the new era.
    A Review of Chongqing Womens Professional Movement During AntiJapanese War
    XU Mingtao
    2023, 23(3):  71-78. 
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    The significance of the AntiJapanese War for China is not limited to the victory of the military, but also has a significant impact on social change. During the AntiJapanese War, in order to oppose the argument of “go home” and strive for their own professional rights, the professional women launched a wide range of professional movements. Setting an agenda for womens career issues through the media, holding a symposium on womens careers, breaking gender stereotype, seeking the support of the government and so on,they had won the victory of striving for professional rights. It was a major event in the history of womens movement in modern China, with farreaching significance. The womens professional movement in Chongqing during the AntiJapanese War was also the embodiment of the womens united front led by the Communist Party of China.
    Smuggling Trade and Government Control in Song and Jin Dynasties in Southern Song Dynasty
    WEI Dingfei
    2023, 23(3):  79-86. 
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    The smuggling trade between Jin and southern Song dynasties remained for hundreds of years.In order to restrain it from expanding, the Song government adopted diversified measures to control it and formed a strict antismuggling system.Smuggling trade between Song and Jin dynasties was an important part for their foreign trade.It began in the early southern Song dynasty and prospered after the Shaoxing agreement.Commodities dominated by tea and salt between Jin and southern Song dynasties had demand complementarity, and the need for special goods in Jin dynasty, which conldnt be satisfied through normal trade. The smuggling trade thrived and continued. Smuggling trade affected the income and political security of southern Song dynasty.So southern Song dynasty government implemented measures to control it, such as government civilian joint defense system, accusation and reward system, hierarchical control in border areas, punished officials who failed to crack down on smuggling. Although the smuggling trade had not been stopped by the strict antismuggling system, it played an important role in restraining smuggling.It was conducive to official income and political security, and it had a positive influence on safeguarding the economic development and national interests of southern Song dynasty.
    Marketization of the Source of Salt Consumed by Officials in Song Dynasty From “Food Rent and Clothing Tax” to “Market Buying Salt”
    LI Junjie1, PENG Xia2
    2023, 23(3):  87-94. 
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    The Song court adjusted the way of giving salt to officials to adapt to the pursuit of salt profit by the state under the monopoly system. On the one hand, the Song government provided “salary salt” and “reward salt” for senior officials to show their favor. On the other hand, the Song court allowed most official families to buy salt only in the market, thus increasing the number of people who ate official salt, which was conducive to the growth of the national salt revenue. And different from the widespread restriction on buying salt in private households, the Pinguan family in Song Dynasty was exempted from the scientific allocation for a long time, which reflected the care of officials. However, the free purchase of salt by officials in the market and the weak restriction on officials smuggling activities by law created conditions for officials smuggling and profiteering, which further divided the income of the national salt curriculum under the monopoly system, and the original intention of the national system adjustment was not effectively realized.
    Discursive Construction of the Elderly Images in News Reports of CHINA DAILY
    ZHANG Baicheng, TANG Dengling
    2023, 23(3):  95-105. 
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    With the increasingly serious problem of global population aging, the elders have become the focus of social attention. And in a context with highly developed media dissemination, there is a great need to explore how media discourses present the elderly, which is significant in facilitating the display of old peoples authentic existence, and gradually eliminating the bothering of negative, stereotyped and marginalized problems. Based on the eldersrelated news reports in CHINA DAILY, the present study investigates the themes, discourse strategies, and the images of the elderly constructed. The study finds that the news reports focus on their personal characteristics and social values when presenting the elders. By utilizing discursive strategies of referential, predication, intensification, and argumentation, the media discourse constructs eight images of the elderly, namely the lonely powerless, the stubborn conformist, the capable energetic, the achieved striver, the lifeloving resident, the caring helper, the trapped weak, and the dragger of social development, which reflect the complex, multifaceted, and dynamic features of the images of the elderly.
    Embodied Cognition and Construction of Translator as Embodied Subject
    ZHANG Xiaoli1,2
    2023, 23(3):  106-112. 
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    From Descartes philosophical dualism of mind and body, the research on translators subjectivity is either lacking or onesided. Even though some translation schools highlight translators subjectivity, they are still confined to translators disembodied view. This paper focuses on translators embodied view. It is based on cognitive linguistics and psychology, so that the connotation and essence of translators subjectivity research can be highlighted and refined. By emphasizing translators embodiment, we try to emphasize the following points: firstly, as an embodied subject, the translator carries out translation practice in the interactive coupling with the translation ecological environment; secondly, embodied subject is of enactedness, translators subject is reflected in the uncertainty, contingency and difference of translators subject; thirdly, embodied subject is of extendedness, the way and ability of translators embodied practice affects translators social existence and enriches the traditional role of the translator.