Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 26-33.

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Research on the Characteristics of Chinas Transportation Strategic Thought in the New Era

WANG Xianbing1,2, HUANG Chengfeng2   

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  • Received:2023-03-03 Revised:2023-04-28 Published:2023-10-17



  1. 1.重庆交通大学 马克思主义学院,重庆 400074;2.西部交通与经济社会发展研究中心,重庆 400074
  • 作者简介:王现兵,男,重庆交通大学马克思主义学院讲师,博士研究生,交通文化研究中心研究员,欧洲研究中心研究员;黄承锋,男,重庆交通大学经济与管理学院教授,博士,西部交通与经济社会发展研究中心主任,欧洲研究中心主任。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to speed up the construction of a country with strong transportation network.Transportation is a solid foundation for building a socialist modern country in an allround way. The thought of transportation strategy in the new era is the idea of coordination between transportation and national strategy, absorbing the traditional Chinese culture, inheriting and developing Marxism, and summarizing and refining the concept of transportation development in the new era. From the perspective of culture, theory and practice, the rich content of the new eras transportation strategy is explored, and the ideas and concepts of transportation first, peoples transportation, green transportation, comprehensive threedimensional transportation, interconnection and intelligent transportation are summarized and formed. Different situations such as the inheritance of the transportation strategic thought of the new era to the thousandyear excellent Chinese culture, the innovation of combining Marxism with the reality of China in the new era, and the new transportation strategic thought formed in the transportation practice of the new era are analyzed. The driving role of the new era transportation strategic thought on the development of modern transportation is also analyzed, which has important reference value and guiding significance for enriching the partys second centennial development thought and guiding the traffic and social development in the new era.

Key words: new era; transportation strategic thought; characteristics

摘要: 党的二十大部署加快建设“交通强国”,交通是实现国家经济社会高质量发展这一全面建设社会主义现代化国家首要任务的坚实基础。新时代交通战略思想将交通与国家战略协同,是站在全局高度指导我国交通强国建设的宏伟思想。从文明传承、理论创新、时代贡献等角度梳理对比,提出我国交通战略思想具有交通先行、人民交通、绿色低碳交通、综合立体交通、互联互通和智慧交通的时代特征,分析新时代交通战略思想指导下我国交通领域取得的显著成就。论述交通先行、综合立体交通、互联互通等是对数千年中华优秀文化的传承特征,交通先行与人民交通是对马克思主义理论与新时代中国实际相结合的创新特征,绿色低碳交通和智慧交通是在新时代交通实践中形成的交通战略思想的新特征。

关键词: 新时代;交通战略思想;特征