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    18 September 2023, Volume 23 Issue 5
    Review and Prospect of XI Jinpings Important Discussion on Common Prosperity
    ZHANG Lina1, XU Cuifang2
    2023, 23(5):  1-9. 
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    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary XI Jinping has made relevant important remarks on the issue of common prosperity, and scientifically answered the major questions such as “what is common prosperity and how to achieve common prosperity”. At present, the academic circle has studied the formation logic, scientific connotation, value implication and practical direction of “XI Jinpings important discourse on common prosperity”. Although fruitful theoretical results have been achieved, there are still shortcomings. To deepen the research on the important discourse of XI Jinpings common prosperity, it is necessary to grasp the overall theme, strengthen the academic research; broaden the research horizon, enrich the research content; innovate the research methods, and solve the research problems.
    Construction of National Unified Market from the Perspective of Marxist Circulation Theory
    ZHANG Tingting1, SHI Zhenyu2
    2023, 23(5):  10-17. 
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    The only way to give full play to the advantages of Chinas ultralarge market is to speed up the construction of a unified national market and promote the formation of a domestic largescale cycle with complementary supply and demand, common progress in production and sales, and smooth and efficient operation. According to Marxist circulation theory, commodity circulation and market development are mutually reinforcing, while the unified big market is the product of the markets advanced stage. How to fully understand and grasp the content and characteristics of the unified big market needs to start from the Marxist circulation theory and clarify the related individual relations, in order to promote the construction of a unified big market across the country. The construction of a national unified large market is facing problems such as lagging market system and facilities construction, market segmentation of commodity elements, and blurred boundary between government and market functions, which need to be solved by changing government functions, adjusting industrial policies, coordinating urban and rural regional development and strengthening infrastructure construction.
    Research on the Construction of Clean Culture at the Psychological Level of Social Individuals
    QI Min, REN Jianming
    2023, 23(5):  18-25. 
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    To strengthen the construction of clean culture in the new era, it is necessary to constantly promote the clean culture “into the heart”. This study analyzes the process of constructing a clean culture at the psychological level of social individuals from three aspects: cognition, identification and perseverance. Cognition is the social individuals thinking shaping of the culture of integrity; identification is the emotional shaping of the honest culture by social individuals; perseverance is the will shaping of social individuals to the culture of integrity. From thinking to emotion and then to will, it reflects the development process of the culture of integrity in the social individual psychological level. On this basis, we further explore the current situation of a clean culture construction and propose corresponding improvement measures.
    Research on the Characteristics of Chinas Transportation Strategic Thought in the New Era
    WANG Xianbing1,2, HUANG Chengfeng2
    2023, 23(5):  26-33. 
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    The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to speed up the construction of a country with strong transportation network.Transportation is a solid foundation for building a socialist modern country in an allround way. The thought of transportation strategy in the new era is the idea of coordination between transportation and national strategy, absorbing the traditional Chinese culture, inheriting and developing Marxism, and summarizing and refining the concept of transportation development in the new era. From the perspective of culture, theory and practice, the rich content of the new eras transportation strategy is explored, and the ideas and concepts of transportation first, peoples transportation, green transportation, comprehensive threedimensional transportation, interconnection and intelligent transportation are summarized and formed. Different situations such as the inheritance of the transportation strategic thought of the new era to the thousandyear excellent Chinese culture, the innovation of combining Marxism with the reality of China in the new era, and the new transportation strategic thought formed in the transportation practice of the new era are analyzed. The driving role of the new era transportation strategic thought on the development of modern transportation is also analyzed, which has important reference value and guiding significance for enriching the partys second centennial development thought and guiding the traffic and social development in the new era.
    Geographic Transportation and Cultural Corridor: Naxi Communication from the Perspective of Cultural Geography
    ZHANG Zhifeng
    2023, 23(5):  34-41. 
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    Naxi is located in Hengduan mountain area, which is an important transportation fortress connecting Yunnan and Tibet. Since ancient times, it has been the center of exchanges between Tibetan, Naxi and Bai. As the descendants of Diqiang people, Naxi has absorbed the excellent cultures of various ethnic groups in the TibetanYi corridor cultural area and developed economic, political and cultural exchanges with neighboring ethnic groups at different historical stages by virtue of its geographical advantages, forming a cultural tradition of multicultural coexistence.
    Mechanism Analysis and Effect Test of Traffic Construction Promoting Economic Growth
    LI Hongdi, SUN Zhaoyang
    2023, 23(5):  42-51. 
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    The article reviews the mechanism of the impact of transportation infrastructure construction on economic growth, and empirically tests its direct impact and spatial spillover effects on economic growth. The results show that: 1) transportation infrastructure mainly promotes regional economic growth through strengthening the local market effect, price index effect, and knowledge spillover effect, and triggers spatial agglomeration and diffusion of economic activities, thereby demonstrating the spatial spillover effect of transportation infrastructure construction; 2) at the provincial spatial scale, transportation infrastructure construction has a significant direct promoting effect on local economic growth, with an output elasticity of 0.043-0.057; 3) the construction of local transportation infrastructure will inhibit the economic growth of surrounding areas through economic linkages, showing a negative spatial spillover effect; 4) other factors, such as human capital level, population size, urbanization rate, and industrial agglomeration, also exhibit significant promoting effects on regional economic growth.
    Occurrence System and Value Realization Path of Red Tourism Resources in Xizang
    XING Yongmin, JI Mei
    2023, 23(5):  61-70. 
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    Red tourism resources are the foundation of the development of red tourism. Realizing the value and function of red cultural resources in Xizang is of great significance for serving the national strategic needs and docking the value realization of red tourism resources.The concept and connotation of red tourism resources in Xizang can be divided into broad and narrow sense. Red tourism resources in Xizang in a broad sense, not only embodies the evolution logic of having the characteristics of Xizang, connotation, characteristic and the discourse expression, forms an expanding layer, core layer and the growth of resources to generate the timeline and present a resource enrichness with wider range of space, focusing on core resource to generate time axis, and the spatial distribution of the resource type being not balanced. As a result, in the value realization of red tourism resources, it is necessary to establish the development concept of sharing, coconstruction and cointegration, construct multilevel thematic product development, and explore the potential value of effective interaction between the primary and secondary nature of red tourism resources. In particular, the cognition of the distribution characteristics of red resource types has clarified the interaction between primary and secondary nature, providing a new direction and thought for the value realization of red tourism resources in Xizang.
    Body Writing and Postcolonial Reality in Salman Rushdies Novels
    LIU Chunxian1,2
    2023, 23(5):  71-77. 
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    Body writing is an important strategy in Salman Rushdies novels. As the godfather of postcolonial literature, he is often trapped by the constant displacement of the body and the repeated dislocation of identity. His literary writing displays a great picture of the body, including the body of hybridity, the body with disease, traumatic body and disciplined body. The writing of body highlights his textual philosophy and encodes political and cultural ideology. With the multiple presentation of the body, Rushdies novels show his introspection on the survival problems, political issues, national trauma and cultural colonization in the postcolonial India, and make some sort of deep sense of textual politics.
    Xing and Imitation: “Discourse Hegemony” in Chinese and Western Literary Narrative Strategies
    LIU Xiuzhe
    2023, 23(5):  78-86. 
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    “Xing” and “Imitation” are two core categories in Chinese and western literary narratives. Although Xing of Chinese literature and Imitation of western literature are closely related to the occurrence and development of literature, they have no intersection or influence with each other. At its root, Xing of Chinese literature mainly appears in literary narration as a means of expression and a lyric mode, while Imitation of western literature is mainly related to the origin and the essence of art. This explanation emphasizes the heterogeneity between the two, but ignores the common characteristics between the two, that is, Xing and Imitation as literary narrative strategies run through the development of Chinese and western literature from the beginning to the end, and are formed in literary narratives. They have a kind of “discourse hegemony”, and the two have a certain family similarity in embodying emotions, understanding the world, and interpreting the world. It can be seen that comparing and studying Xing and Imitation in the same context has undeniable theoretical value and practical significance.
    The Spatial Game in Ian McEwans Nutshell
    SHEN Yuan, ZHANG Haixia
    2023, 23(5):  87-93. 
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    The spatial game in Nutshell highlights the characters competition for space based on varied information, with space being both the medium and the purpose of the game. The construction of the spatial game is built on the fetal narrators imagination of his own and his familys fate; the process of the spatial game exhibits the damage of the performative relational script on the daily relationship between the subjects; and the ending of the negative sum game indicates the obstacle caused by “zero degree of empathy” on the common welfare. When understanding, negotiation, and commitment become dubious information in the game, space becomes a field of disbelief, dispute, and revenge. Ian McEwan focuses on characters different opinions and on the disconnection between man and the environment through spatial game writing, emphasizing the importance of the ethics and responsibility of the other in a way of deconstructing the community.
    Illness and Social Exclusion Analysis of the Novel Indigo by Clemens J. Setz
    ZHANG Xiao
    2023, 23(5):  94-103. 
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    The novel Indigo of Austrian author Clemens J. Setz revolves around children with the illness “Indigo” in an isolation center. From the perspective of social exclusion, people isolate, discipline, stigmatize and transfer sick children out of selfdefense and egoism in front of others. This causes social incompetence, loss of voice and autonomy and cognitive and emotional disfunction of the children. The novel combines illness manifestation and imagination, reveals the twosided nature of human psyche and social rules and the universality of social exclusion, expresses the authors humanitarian stance and reflection on European civilization and provides a unique aesthetic experience and perspective to explore social realities.
    A Synchronic and Diachronic Approach to the Idiomatic Construction “Yudedao (X)” in Chongqing Dialect
    HUANG Jianping, ZHENG Shengnan
    2023, 23(5):  104-112. 
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    Idiomatic construction has been attached great importance in cognitive linguistics. However, this kind of construction in dialects needs further exploration. This paper attempts to probe into the synchronic and diachronic characteristics and motivation of “yudedao (X)” construction in Chongqing dialect. The synchronic features are analyzed through the linguistic features, i.e., phonological and syntactical form and meaning/function. And then the semantic change of the said construction is explored and the evolution path is drawn out. Finally, the motivation of “yudedao (X)” construction is revealed on the basis of the utterance selection theory.
    Semiotic Assemblages: A Study on the Multimodal Linguistic Landscape of Huizhou Traditional Settlement Space
    SHENG Rong1, BUCHANAN John (AUS)2
    2023, 23(5):  113-120. 
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    The linguistic landscape is a materialized representation of exploring the meaning of geographical space, which is composed of linguistic symbols and non linguistic symbols. It is the main carrier and important medium of local cultural transmission, with diversified symbol combinations and certain humanistic attributes. Based on the multimodal theory, this paper focuses on the phenomenon of symbol aggregation in the language landscape of traditional settlement space through the empirical investigation of eight ancient villages, analyzes the multimodal characteristics of its external symbol mechanism using GIS research tools, and interprets the interaction between internal cultural implication and modes. The results show: 1) the multimodal interaction of language signs in traditional settlement space is significant, and the combination forms of language code symbols are diverse; 2) the geographical space of Huizhou ancient villages is rich in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and the aggregation of graphics, images, texts and other symbols is obvious, which has some inspiration for the protection of the genetic map of Huizhou culture.