Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 61-70.

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Occurrence System and Value Realization Path of Red Tourism Resources in Xizang

XING Yongmin, JI Mei   

  1. Management School, Xizang Minzu University, Xianyang, Shanxi 712082, China
  • Received:2022-10-24 Revised:2022-12-17 Published:2023-10-17



  1. 西藏民族大学 管理学院,陕西 咸阳 712082
  • 作者简介:邢永民,男,西藏民族大学管理学院讲师,西藏民族大学文化和旅游研究中心成员,硕士;姬梅,女,西藏民族大学管理学院副教授,西藏民族大学文化和旅游研究中心成员。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Red tourism resources are the foundation of the development of red tourism. Realizing the value and function of red cultural resources in Xizang is of great significance for serving the national strategic needs and docking the value realization of red tourism resources.The concept and connotation of red tourism resources in Xizang can be divided into broad and narrow sense. Red tourism resources in Xizang in a broad sense, not only embodies the evolution logic of having the characteristics of Xizang, connotation, characteristic and the discourse expression, forms an expanding layer, core layer and the growth of resources to generate the timeline and present a resource enrichness with wider range of space, focusing on core resource to generate time axis, and the spatial distribution of the resource type being not balanced. As a result, in the value realization of red tourism resources, it is necessary to establish the development concept of sharing, coconstruction and cointegration, construct multilevel thematic product development, and explore the potential value of effective interaction between the primary and secondary nature of red tourism resources. In particular, the cognition of the distribution characteristics of red resource types has clarified the interaction between primary and secondary nature, providing a new direction and thought for the value realization of red tourism resources in Xizang.

Key words: red tourism; resource development; red culture; realization of the value; Xizang

摘要: 红色资源是红色旅游发展的重要基础。有效实现西藏红色文化资源价值和功能,对于服务当下国家战略需求与对接西藏红色资源的当代转化具有重要意义。广义上的西藏红色旅游资源不仅体现具有“西藏特点”的演化逻辑、内涵特征与话语表达,形成一个涵盖拓展层、核心层和生长层的资源生成的时间轴线,而且呈现资源赋存的空间范围较广、资源生成的时间轴线聚焦核心层和资源类型的空间分布不均衡。由此,在其资源价值实现路径中需要厚植共享、共建与共融的发展理念,注重开发多层级的主题型产品,挖掘红色文化资源中原生性与次生性有效互动的潜在价值。特别是对其多样性分布特征的认知,进一步明晰原生性与次生性的互动关系,为新时代西藏红色旅游资源开发与价值实现提供新的方向与思路。

关键词: 红色旅游;资源开发;红色文化;价值实现;西藏