Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 78-86.

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Xing and Imitation: “Discourse Hegemony” in Chinese and Western Literary Narrative Strategies

LIU Xiuzhe   

  1. Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China
  • Received:2022-11-15 Revised:2022-11-30 Published:2023-10-17



  1. 黑龙江大学,哈尔滨 150080
  • 作者简介:刘秀哲,男,黑龙江大学博士研究生。

Abstract: “Xing” and “Imitation” are two core categories in Chinese and western literary narratives. Although Xing of Chinese literature and Imitation of western literature are closely related to the occurrence and development of literature, they have no intersection or influence with each other. At its root, Xing of Chinese literature mainly appears in literary narration as a means of expression and a lyric mode, while Imitation of western literature is mainly related to the origin and the essence of art. This explanation emphasizes the heterogeneity between the two, but ignores the common characteristics between the two, that is, Xing and Imitation as literary narrative strategies run through the development of Chinese and western literature from the beginning to the end, and are formed in literary narratives. They have a kind of “discourse hegemony”, and the two have a certain family similarity in embodying emotions, understanding the world, and interpreting the world. It can be seen that comparing and studying Xing and Imitation in the same context has undeniable theoretical value and practical significance.

Key words: xing; imitation; narrative strategy; discourse hegemony

摘要: “兴”与“模仿”是分属中西文学叙事中的两个核心范畴。虽然中国文学之兴和西方文学之模仿均与文学的发生发展密切相关,但彼此并无交集和影响。究其根本,中国文学之兴主要作为表现手法、抒情模式出现在文学叙事之中,西方文学之模仿则主要与艺术的起源及其本质相关联。这一解释强调二者之间的异质性,却忽视了二者之间的共同特征,即兴与模仿作为文学叙事策略贯穿于中西文学发展的始终,均在文学叙事中形成一种话语霸权,并且二者在寄寓情感、认识世界、解释世界等方面具有某种家族相似性。由此可见,将兴与模仿置于同一语境下进行比较与研究,具有不置可否的理论价值与现实意义。

关键词: 兴;模仿;叙事策略;话语霸权