Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2025, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 105-112.

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The Breakthrough and Confinement of Female Writing Taking La Esfinge Maragata

FU Shuhua1, XIA Xiyao2   

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  • Received:2023-07-22 Revised:2023-09-14 Published:2025-01-25

女性书写的突围与囿限 ——以《马拉加特里亚的神秘女人》为例


  1. 1云南师范大学 外国语学院,昆明 650500;2南京工业大学 外国语言文学学院,南京 211816
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Concha Espinas novel La Esfinge Maragata restores the real life and suffering of rural women through a narrative from a female perspective, in sharp contrast to the male texts of the same period. The author deconstructs the female image that exists as an object in male texts and reconstructs the female subject. At the same time, the longterm hegemony of male texts has suppressed female discourse, resulting in the predicament of female writing. When the external male gaze is internalized into the female selfexamination, the development of female writing is faced with a crucial challenge.

Key words: La Esfinge Maragata; Concha Espina; female writing; Spanish literature

摘要: 孔查·埃斯皮纳发表于1914年的小说《马拉加特里亚的神秘女人》,通过女性视角的书写还原农村女性的真实生活和苦难,与同时期歌颂田园风光的“98一代”的男性文本形成鲜明对比。孔查·埃斯皮纳颠覆并重构同时期男性文本中作为客体存在的女性形象,并揭示父权文化长期的主导地位对女性言说和女性主体的压制,由此导致女性的自我解放陷入困境,女性主体的重建也面临至关重要的挑战。

关键词: 《马拉加特里亚的神秘女人》;孔查·埃斯皮纳;女性书写;西班牙文学