Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2025, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 37-50.

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Reflection on the Subjectivity of Humans under Generative Artificial Intelligence Algorithms A Case Study of ChatGPT

WANG Bairong, LIU Haolong   

  1. School of Law, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2023-05-31 Revised:2023-09-04 Published:2025-01-25

生成式人工智能算法下人的主体性地位反思 ——以ChatGPT为样本


  1. 兰州大学 法学院,兰州 730000
  • 作者简介:王柏荣,男,兰州大学法学院副教授;刘豪龙,男,兰州大学法学院硕士研究生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) represented by ChatGPT signifies the comprehensive arrival of a new era of technology. The ChatGPT algorithm appears to possess a certain “power” that continuously “dictates” peoples lives. Simultaneously, heavy dependence on algorithmic technology is causing a continuous erosion of human rights, leading to the phenomenon of “alienation of the subjectobject relationship”. As a leading technology in natural language processing, the ChatGPT algorithm not only represents an advanced data analysis tool, but also exhibits a tendency towards the exercise of power, profoundly influencing and controlling human cognitive patterns, behavioral modes, and even potentially dominating the operation of nations and societies. The entire process of power exercise and operation of the ChatGPT algorithm remains in a “black box” state, exhibiting a tendency that goes beyond, deviates from, and operates independently human rights, thereby posing a threat to human subjectivity. To mitigate the legal risks associated with the exercise of power by the ChatGPT algorithm, it is urgent to return to the fundamental principles of law. Starting from the basic principles of safeguarding rights with power, constraining power with rights, and balancing power with power, it is necessary to explore and construct new regulatory concepts and paths, conduct a comprehensive examination and reflection on the power of the ChatGPT algorithm across multiple domains, levels and dimensions.

Key words: ChatGPT; algorithmic power; subjectivity; reinforcement learning from human feedback

摘要: 以ChatGPT为代表的生成式人工智能的出现,标志了新科技时代的全面来临。ChatGPT算法科技貌似拥有一种“权力”,不断“决定”着人们的生活;同时对于算法科技的重度依赖正在使人的权利范围不断萎缩,甚至出现“主客异化”。作为自然语言处理技术的领先者,ChatGPT算法不仅代表着一种先进的数据分析工具,也呈现出一种权力化倾向,深刻影响、控制人类的认知模式和行为方式,乃至可能支配国家和社会的运行方式。ChatGPT算法权力行使和运行的全过程始终处于“黑箱”状态,存在超越、背离和独立于人的权利的倾向性,这必然对人的主体性地位构成威胁。为化解ChatGPT算法权力所带来的法律风险,亟须回归法律原点,从以权力保障权利、以权利制约权力和以权力衡平权力的基本思路出发,探索和构建新的规制理念和路径,多领域、多层次、多维度地检视与反思ChatGPT算法权力。

关键词: ChatGPT;算法权力;主体性;人类反馈强化学习