›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (1): 59-63.

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Study of the Editions of the Complete Works of LIU Daizhi

ZHONG Yanfei   

  1. (School of Chinese Ancient Books and Traditional Culture, Beijing Normal University, Bejing 100875, China)
  • Received:2015-10-16 Online:2016-02-28 Published:2016-03-02



  1. 北京师范大学 古籍与传统文化研究院,北京100875
  • 作者简介:钟彦飞(1989-),男,河南周口人,北京师范大学古籍与传统文化研究院2013级博士生,研究方向:元明清文学文献学、古籍目录学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: LIU Guan was a famous scholar of Yuan Dynasty. His collected works were called The Complete Works of LIU Daizhi, had been inscribed during the six centuries including Yuan,Ming,Qing Dynasties and the Republic. By studying these documents, it is found that the edition printed in 1350 was the original. There isnt an intact Yuan Dynasty edition now. It was repaired in 1406.

Key words: LIU Guan, The Complete Works of LIU Daizhi, edition

摘要: 柳贯为元代著名文士,“儒林四杰”之一,其著作《柳待制文集》二十卷自结集以来,经过元、明、清、民国多次刊刻传抄,流传有绪。通过对历代柳贯诗文集版本情况进行梳理考辨,可知诸本均祖于元至正十年刊本,而元刊本现今并无全帙存世,《四部丛刊》影印“艺风堂藏元刊本”实为明永乐四年柳贵递修本,并配抄本而成。

关键词: 柳贯, 《柳待制文集》, 版本