›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (1): 112-116.

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Pragmatic Interpretation of Criminal Judgments

HE Jingqiu, HE Hongqiang   

  1. (Northwest University of Politics & Law, Xian 710122, China)
  • Received:2014-10-27 Online:2016-02-28 Published:2016-03-02



  1. 西北政法大学,西安 710122
  • 作者简介:何静秋(1980-),女,四川泸州人,西北政法大学副教授,硕士,研究方向:语用学、法律修辞学;贺红强(1980-),男,内蒙古呼和浩特人,西北政法大学副教授,博士,研究方向:刑事诉讼法。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The criminal judgment is not a static “oneway” text but a “twoway” discourse involving interaction between the writer and audience of the judgment seen from the pragmatic perspective. The judgment writing is influenced by many pragmatic parameters such as legal environment, social distance, power relations, rights and obligations. Analysis of a large corpus has demonstrated that pragmatic theories have strong applicability and explanatory power in using and understanding the criminal judgment discourse, which has further proved that the pragmatic perspective is an operational method for studying the judgment.

Key words: criminal judgment, principle of goals, speech act theory, cooperative principle, politeness principle and face theory, adaptation theory

摘要: 刑事判决书不是一个静态的“单向”文本,在语用学的视角下审视判决书,可以发现它是一个包含判决书书写者与判决书受众之间互动的“双向”语篇。判决书中的语言受到特定的法系环境、社会距离、权势关系、权利和义务等语用参数的影响。对判决书文本中典型语料的分析,证明语用学理论对判决书话语的使用和理解具有很强的适用性和解释力,进而证明了语用学视角是研究判决书语言的一种可操作的分析进路。

关键词: 刑事判决书, 目的原则, 言语行为理论, 合作原则, 礼貌原则与面子论, 顺应论