›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3): 66-69.

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On the Value of Specialized Vocabulary of Hu Sanxings Notes in Zizhitongjian for Compilation and Revision of Chinese Dictionaries

ZHOU Qin   

  1. (Literature Department, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404100, China )
  • Received:2014-09-24 Online:2015-06-30 Published:2015-06-30



  1. 重庆三峡学院 文学院,重庆 404100
  • 作者简介:周勤(1975-),女,四川简阳人,重庆三峡学院文学与新闻学院副教授,博士,研究方向:汉语词汇史。

Abstract: Theres rich material explaining specialized vocabulary in Hu Sanxings notes in Zizhitongjian, which covered military, medicine, craft, inquisition by torture, trade and business and so on. Hu Sanxings accurate and scientific notes on specialized vocabulary, that could improve headword and sense item omission, inaccurate and different explanation, were significant literature for compilation and revision of such as the Chinese Dictionary.

Key words: Zizhitongjian, Hu Sanxings notes, specialized vocabulary, dictionary

摘要: 胡三省《资治通鉴》音注有丰富的专业词汇训注材料,涉及军事、医学、工艺、刑讯、商贸等。胡注比较准确和科学的各类专类用语训释,对《汉语大词典》等辞书专业用语的词目和义项失收、释义不确、释义分歧等现象有改进作用,是辞书编撰和修订可资参考的重要文献。

关键词: 《资治通鉴》, 胡注, 专业词汇, 辞书