›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3): 74-77.

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Interpretation of Muriel Sparks Nevertheless Principle

WU Meng, MA Longyun   

  1. (Foreign Language Department, Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China)
  • Received:2015-02-11 Online:2015-06-30 Published:2015-06-30



  1. 徐州工程学院 外国语学院,江苏 徐州 221008
  • 作者简介:吴蒙(1980-),女,江苏徐州人,徐州工程学院外国语学院讲师,文学硕士,研究方向:英美文学;马龙云(1968-),女,江苏徐州人,徐州工程学院外国语学院教授,文学硕士,研究方向:英美文学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Nevertheless principle, defined by Muriel Spark as the “core of a thoughtpattern”, runs through her literary creation. An accurate interpretation of this principle plays an important role in recovering her peculiar composing thoughts. Taking “nevertheless principle” as its research subject, the inherent connection between this principle and two vital factors——Sparks birth place and her religious belief—is studied, aiming at enclosing the core connotation of “nevertheless”. In addition, with further analysis, it is pointed out that this principle bears the characteristics of postmodernism, incarnating Sparks attempt to depart from the realism tradition.

Key words: nevertheless principle, Edinburgh, Catholicism, postmodernism

摘要: 被穆丽尔·斯帕克定义为“思维模式核心”的两面性原则贯穿了其文学创作的始终。对此原则的准确解读是揭示斯帕克独特创作思想的重要前提。以两面性创作思想为研究对象,探寻斯帕克的出生地爱丁堡和其宗教信仰天主教与此思想的内在关联,试图揭开“两面”的核心内涵。并指明此创作思想具有明显的后现代主义特征,集中体现了斯帕克试图脱离传统现实主义写作的尝试。

关键词: 两面性原则, 爱丁堡, 天主教, 后现代主义