›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 126-129.

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Deviation in Heart despite Harmony in Appearance: An Analysis of “False Friends” in EC Translation

WEN Yongchao   

  1. (College of Continuing Education, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China)
  • Received:2013-10-07 Online:2014-06-30 Published:2016-04-06



  1. 四川外国语大学 继续教育学院,重庆 400031
  • 作者简介:文永超,男,四川安岳人,四川外国语大学继续教育学院副教授,研究方向:翻译理论与实践、英汉对比。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: A large number of pseudoequivalent structures, also known as “false friends”, exist between English and Chinese. As such structures are characterized by “deviation in heart despite harmony in appearance”, many translators get trapped and fail to convey the meaning of the source text accurately. More attention is called for to this linguistic phenomenon by an analysis of several pairs of EC false friends at lexical, phrasal and syntactical level.

Key words: “false friends”, equivalent, EC translation

摘要: 英汉语之间存在大量的伪对应结构,也就是“假朋友”结构。因其貌合神离的显著特点,很多译者陷入误区,错误地把两个语义不对等的结构对等起来,直接导致译文偏离原文。通过例证,从词、短语和句法结构三方面探讨英汉翻译中常见的“假朋友”结构,期待译者在翻译实践中对此类现象予以更多关注。

关键词: “假朋友”, 对等语, 英汉翻译