›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 130-132.

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LU Xuns Selection of Source Texts and Translation Strategies in His Translation of Childrens Literary Works from the Perspective of EcoTranslatology

GU Feng   

  1. (Department of Foreign Languages, Chaohu College, Anhui, Chaohu 238000, China)
  • Received:2013-11-20 Revised:2013-12-13 Online:2014-06-30 Published:2016-04-06

生态翻译学观照下鲁迅译介域外 儿童文学作品的选材与翻译策略


  1. 巢湖学院 外语系,安徽 巢湖 238000
  • 作者简介:谷峰(1979-),男,安徽巢湖人,巢湖学院外语系讲师,硕士,研究方向:翻译理论与实践。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Ecotranslatology aims to interpret translation from the perspective of ecology. LU Xuns translation of childrens literary works in accordance with the specific communicative context and the target readers are probed into, and that LU Xuns selection of the source texts of foreign childrens literary works adapts to the given ecological environment of “saving children” and his selection of translation strategies adapts to childrens psychological characteristics in China are pointed out.

Key words: ecotranslatology, childrens literary works, translation strategies, communicative context, ecological environment

摘要: 生态翻译学从生态学的视角阐释翻译现象,依据特定的具体交际语境和交际对象,从生态翻译学的视角考究鲁迅对域外儿童文学作品的译介活动,指出鲁迅翻译域外儿童文学作品的取材适应了当时中国“救救孩子”的特定翻译生态环境,翻译策略的取向适应了汉语世界儿童的心理特征。

关键词: 生态翻译学, 儿童文学作品, 翻译策略, 交际语境, 生态环境