›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5): 29-34.

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Baofeng Company and Chongqing Bristle Industry During the AntiJapanese War

LIU Dan   

  1. (College of History and Culture, Southwestern University, Chongqing 400715, China)
  • Received:2016-12-31 Revised:2017-03-02 Online:2017-10-31 Published:2017-10-14



  1. 西南大学 历史文化学院,重庆 400715
  • 作者简介:刘丹(1992—),女,四川巴中人,西南大学历史文化学院重庆中国抗战大后方研究中心硕士研究生,研究方向:中国近代史。

Abstract: Baofeng company was a jointstock company established during the AntiJapanese War and it was a bristle processing company. Demand exceeded supply during the AntiJapanese War, as a result many bristle processing companies appeared in Chongqing. Considering a variety of reasons, KANG Xinru founded the Baofeng company in May 1940. Baofeng company issued a series of factory management systems, established a bristle acquisition network covering southwest China, tightened the bristle management, and had the capacity to apply for a bank loan. Baofeng company contributed to the transformation of processing of bristles industry, the prosperity of bristle industry in Chongqing, and the return for strategic materials and supply in the AntiJapanese War.

Key words: KANG Xinru, Baofeng company, bristle processing, bristle industry

摘要: 宝丰公司是抗战时期成立的一家专营猪鬃加工的企业。全面抗战爆发后,猪鬃在国际市场上供不应求。康心如基于多种考虑,于1940年5月成立了宝丰公司。宝丰公司采用股份制的经营方式;形成了完整的组织机构,颁布了一系列管理制度;建立了面向西南的猪鬃收购网络,加强了猪鬃管理;通过向银行贷款拓宽了资金的渠道。宝丰公司的成立推动了战时猪鬃加工的转变,促进了重庆猪鬃业的兴盛,为换取抗战物资作出了贡献。

关键词: 康心如, 宝丰公司, 猪鬃加工, 猪鬃业