›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 80-86.

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“Elegance” in SHEN Quanqis Poems and “Literary Consciousness” in Poems of Early Tang Dynasty

YUE Dehu   

  1. Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College,Liuzhou,Guangxi 545006,China
  • Received:2020-04-14 Revised:2020-05-10 Online:2021-03-20 Published:2021-04-02



  1. 柳州职业技术学院,广西 柳州 545006
  • 作者简介:岳德虎(1975—),男,柳州职业技术学院教授,研究方向:唐代文学。

Abstract: The “elegance” of poetry in the early Tang Dynasty is embodied in the poetry practice of scholars in the imperial examination represented by SHEN Quanqis poem “elegance”,which is the change and extension of the political ecology of the early Tang Dynasty. These scholars appreciate the magnanimity of the emperors grace and the detail of Ruiqi,showing the talent and elegance,the courts esteem and the status symbol. The natural pursuit of gorgeous poetic style not only contains rich historical depth,but also has a unique literary ecology. It is not only the consciousness of literary independence outside political life,but also fully shows that scholars have become an important force to participate in the activities of the imperial court and even transform the court pattern.

Key words: SHEN Quanqi, poetic elegance, political promotion, literary consciousness

摘要: 初唐诗歌之“丽”体现在以沈佺期诗“丽”为代表的科举学士文人的诗歌实践之中,是初唐政治生态的变幻与延伸。这些科举文人品藻皇恩浩荡、瑞麒端详,展示的是才学高雅、朝廷器重与身份象征。孕育华丽诗风的自然追求,其中不但蕴含丰富的历史纵深感,其文学生态也别具一格,不仅仅是政治生活以外文学独立的自觉性,更充分显示学士文人已经成为一支参与朝廷活动甚至改造朝廷格局的重要力量。

关键词: 沈佺期, 诗"丽", 政治推动, 文学自觉