重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 115-124.

• 文学艺术 • 上一篇    

王夫之诗学视域下对 刘笑伟、陈人杰诗歌评点的应用


  1. 长安大学 人文学院,西安 710061
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-29 修回日期:2023-05-25 出版日期:2024-01-20 发布日期:2024-01-23
  • 作者简介:岳进,女,长安大学人文学院教授,博士,硕士生导师;周伟(通信作者),男,长安大学人文学院硕士研究生。

On the Creative Transformation of WANG Fuzhis Poetics to LIU Xiaowei and CHEN Renjies Poetic Comments

YUE Jin, ZHOU Wei   

  1. School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Changan University,Xian 710061, China
  • Received:2023-04-29 Revised:2023-05-25 Online:2024-01-20 Published:2024-01-23

摘要: 王夫之是我国古代成就卓著的美学家,其美学思想的成熟性在他的诗学领域可见一斑。他的诗学本体论主要体现在对诗歌“志、情、理”关系的辨析以及对“诗以道情”原则的肯定上;诗学结构论是对本体论思想的进一步扩展,主要包含“情景关系”说和“韵意不双转”学说;诗学中的美育思想则体现在对传统儒家诗学“兴观群怨”理论的进一步发挥上,肯定诗歌“动人四情”的美育作用。通过运用王夫之诗学理论比较评价当代诗人刘笑伟、陈人杰的诗歌作品后发现,首先,两人有大多数诗歌处理好“志、情、理”的关系,并且遵循“一意说”原则,如刘笑伟的《军营观月》和陈人杰的《山海间》等;也有部分诗作未处理好“志、情、理”之间的关系,如刘笑伟的《茶杯风暴》和陈人杰的《朝思》。其次,刘笑伟的一些诗作在情景关系上处理得并不一致,如《军营观月》《雪线巡逻》与《早樱》,而陈人杰的《在山海间》和《与妻书》等诗作在情景关系上处理得很好;在“韵意关系”的处理上,陈人杰的《与妻书》处理得很好,而刘笑伟的《坐上高铁,去看青春的中国》欠佳。最后,两位诗人的诗作如陈人杰的《山海间》和刘笑伟的《坐上高铁,去看青春的中国》等,大都具有“动人四情”的美育作用,具有一定的社会价值。

关键词: 王夫之诗学;刘笑伟;陈人杰;《岁月青铜》;《山海间》

Abstract: WANG Fuzhis poetics is mainly embodied in his discrimination of the relationship between “ambition, emotion and reason” in poetry and his affirmation of the principle of “poetry based on emotion”. His theory of poetic structure is a further expansion of ontology, mainly including the theory of “the relationship between emotion and scenery” and the theory of “no double transformation of rhyme and meaning”. The aesthetic education thought in his poetics is reflected in his further development of the traditional Confucian poetics theory of “Xing, Guan, Qun and Yuan”, which affirms the aesthetic education role of poetry in “moving four emotions”. Based on WANG Fuzhis overall poetics, this paper makes a comparative evaluation of the poetic works of contemporary poets LIU Xiaowei and CHEN Renjie, and analyzes the relationship of “ambition, emotion, reason”“emotion and scenery”“rhyme and meaning” in their poetry, as well as the aesthetic value of their poetry.

Key words: WANG Fuzhis poetics; LIU Xiaowei; CHEN Renjie; “Bronze Age”; “Between Mountains and Seas”