›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 72-75.

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Affirmation of Human Value --Humanistic Concern in BI Shumins Urban Novels

ZHAO Xianfeng   

  1. (Pingdingshan University,Pingdingshan,Henan 467000,China)
  • Received:2013-07-12 Online:2014-02-28 Published:2016-04-06

确认人的价值 ——毕淑敏都市小说的人文关怀


  1. 平顶山学院,河南 平顶山 467000
  • 作者简介:赵先锋(1979-),女,河南宝丰人,平顶山学院讲师,文学硕士,研究方向:中国现当代文学。

Abstract: From the perspective of humanistic spirit,the transformation of human values in BI Shumins urban novel is discussed from the aspect of ideology,standard of value and moral sentiment. Thus,how BI Shumin shows her concern about the value of individual life and develops a new situation of humanistic concern in the culture of human nature is fully understood.

Key words: BI Shumins novel, life, ideology, humanistic concern

摘要: 以人文精神为切入视角,从思想观念、价值标准和道德情操三方面剖析毕淑敏都市小说创作中人的价值观念变化,从而解读毕淑敏关注个体生命价值、开拓人性文化中人文关怀新局面的责任感和使命感。

关键词: 毕淑敏小说, 生命, 价值观念, 人文关怀