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    28 February 2014, Volume 14 Issue 1
    Taking the Road of Peaceful Development Is the Inevitable Choice of Chinese Characteristic Socialism
    CAO Xiaofei,ZHANG Zhongjiang
    2014, 14(1):  1-4. 
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    The eighteenth National Congress of CPC Report and XI Jinpings speech on the peaceful development road have pointed out the direction for us to understand the historical inevitability and realistic necessity of taking peaceful development for China. Chinas peaceful development road,not only is the inevitable choice of historical development of Chinese nation,our Party and Country,but also conforms to the trend of the times,to achieve a strategic choice of the Chinese dream. The road of peaceful development has highlighted the nature of Chinese characteristic socialism characteristics,enriched Chinese characteristic socialism theoretical system,enhanced the Chinese socialism selfconfidence,created opportunities for development of Chinese socialism,and will promote Chinese characteristic socialism to obtain new great victory.
    An Analysis of Cognitive Schema Theory of Ideological and Political Theory Courses Based on the Information Acceptance of the Audience
    LI Muliu
    2014, 14(1):  5-8. 
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    For individuals that participate in the cognitive activities,there is individual acceptance of external information and information processing in the human body. For the ideological and political theory course teaching audience (college students),in accepting the teachers teaching ideological and political theory of information,the information is always in the process of cognition and cognitive schema checking and processing. From the dissemination of cognitive schema theory,three sectors are put forward to improve the ideological and political theory courses.
    Dilemma of Taxi Industry and Experience Reference
    TANG Reqing1,GUO Sizhen1,LIU Langtao2
    2014, 14(1):  9-14. 
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    Based on extensive investigation and literature review of domestic and international taxi industry management modes,the existing problems in taxi industry were analyzed and the major controversies in this area were summarized. The experience of international taxi industry development process and deregulation was discussed. In addition,the rational thoughts and future directions of taxi industry were proposed.
    Safety Perspective of School Bus Operator and Management Model --Taking Jinan City as an Example
    WANG Yan, FANG Jingmin, WANG Xia
    2014, 14(1):  15-18. 
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    School bus has many features,such as low carton,benefits,safety,unimpeded. School bus also is the common mode of transportation to commute to school. Through the investigation and survey of Shandong Normal Universitys Primary School,it is suggested to have the operating and management system,construct school bus evaluation value of the index system which is the important factor for school bus safety. The countermeasures are put forward and the reference is provided for the sustainable traffic development from the city level.
    Fuzzy Evaluation of Public Transfer System Passenger Satisfaction Based on AHP-DEMATEL Method
    PENG Han,WU Jinmei,YAO Linxiao
    2014, 14(1):  19-22. 
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    The improvement of public transfer system passenger satisfaction level can effectively alleviate the city congestion and other traffic problems. Based on the analysis of the passenger demand characteristics,according to the design principle of index system,the comprehensive practical scientific evaluation index system of passenger satisfaction is constructed,determining the each index weight with AHP method and DEMATEL method can improve the scientific and objectivity of index weight,fuzzy evaluation model based on AHP-DEMATEL method is established,then MCEFUZZY software was carried out to study the evaluation. The results shows that it increased the science,rationality and efficiency of the evaluation. It is helpful to discover the existing problems in the bus interchange and provide scientific basis for improving the level of public transport services.
    An Empirical Analysis of Correlation between FDI and Market Concentration of Chinas Automobile Industry Based on VAR Model
    ZHENG Yongbei
    2014, 14(1):  23-26. 
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    The dynamic analysis of the VAR model is applied to make an empirical analysis about correlation between FDI and market concentration of Chinas automobile industry. The result shows that,there exists a cointergration relationship between FDI and market concentration of Chinas automobile industry and FDI can promote the market concentration of Chinas automobile industry. However,the result of the impulse response function and variance decompositio indicates that the impact of FDI on Chinas automotive industry market concentration is lagging behind,and the positive relationship between them is weak. Finally the policy about how to use FDI effectively is proposed on the basis of above analysis.
    Safety Risk Assessment on Inland Terminals of Dangerous Chemicals
    XU Maozeng,WANG Jidong
    2014, 14(1):  27-31. 
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    Due to the broad market demand and the advantage of water transportation,more and more dangerous chemicals have to transit by inland waterway. Since dangerous chemicals terminals are an important node to connect rivers and land,the government and enterprises paid much attention to its operation safety problem. Safety risk factors of the dangerous chemicals terminals should be aimed at. Evaluation index system should be set up to evaluate dangerous chemicals terminals safety risk by using Gray-Analytic hierarchy. An example proves the validity of this method,which is helpful to enhance the safety of the dangerous chemicals terminals and to promote the sustainable development of inland economy and environment.
    Analysis and Empirical Study on the Implementation Effect of Building Energy Efficiency Policies and Regulations
    ZHOU Qingjiu
    2014, 14(1):  32-34. 
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    The structure and the perfected situation of building energy efficiency policies and regulations are analyzed based on the carding about them. The effect of the implementation of building energy efficiency policies and regulations are known based on the empirical research on the results of them.In further,the focus and growth point of building energy efficiency work are grasped.
    Special Procedures and Procuratorial Supervision --Taking Juvenile Criminal Case as an Example
    DUAN Mingxue
    2014, 14(1):  35-38. 
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    To strengthen the supervision of special procedures,to ensure the smooth operation of the special program,which is a major task facing the procuratorial organ. The procedure of criminal case of juvenile is different from that of common criminal procedure. Therefore,procuratorial supervision over criminal procedure minors also has some special requirements. First,the procuratorial supervision should be based on “the best interests of children” as the goal. Secondly,the whole process,all aspects of the procuratorial supervision should cover the proceedings. Thirdly,the procuratorial supervision should highlight the timeliness and effectiveness.
    Standardized Exercise of Civil Procuratorial Suggestion of China
    WEN Baoxuan
    2014, 14(1):  39-42. 
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    Through the procuratorial proposals,rights norms prosecutorial measures are put forward,which include: a clear procuratorial proposals of manner and scope; establishment of procuratorial proposals and implementation of the specific content requirements; perfect procuratorial suggestion program settings such as procuratorial suggestions implementation return procedures; specification of the court to receive,review and feedback procuratorial suggestion program settings; regulationt of the production of procuratorial proposals and approval procedures; strengthening of the procuratorial proposals right supervision and external supervision of internal unity.
    Study on Evaluation of Grassroots Cadres in Stateowned Enterprises --Taking a Tobacco Industry as an Example
    HUANG Chengfeng1,WANG Ping2,YU Xiaoke3,CHEN Xiaoming3
    2014, 14(1):  43-46. 
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    The necessity of evaluation of grassroots cadres in stateowned enterprises,as well as the existing problems,is analyzed. A method based on abilityposition match of grassroots cadres is introduced through the projection method to dynamic match the job requirements and job competency of grassroots cadres. Tobacco industry is taken as an example to prove that the conclusion is consistent with the actual situation,and the method is scientific and effective. This study is meaningful to human resource management for the stateowned enterprise.
    Calculation of the Technological Progress and Economic Growth with Modified C-D Function --Taking Gansu as an Example
    NIU Yongze,SUN Maohui
    2014, 14(1):  47-51. 
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    Based the modified production function,the share of the Gansu capital,labor and technological progress contribution to economic output is estimated. The results show that the capital investment contributed greatly to economic output,technological progress is unsatisfactory effect on economic output,while the contribution of labor to output a lower level. Therefore,economic development depends mainly on capital driven by high input and economic development is still in the extensive stage,which is unsustainable development. To development sustainably,the elements of conversion efficiency must be improved,and the quality of workers and skills be increased.
    Poverty Housing Is the Core Issue of Chinas Urbanization --Based on Thinking of How China Crosses the “Middle Income Trap”
    WEN Shiping
    2014, 14(1):  52-56. 
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    International experience shows that only those who have the ability to solve the problem of slums in the process of urbanizations can successfully across the “middleincome trap” in the end. On the other hand, it may be in a “middleincome trap” for a long time and cannot extricate oneself. Obviously,China is in the transformation of the “middleincome” countries to highincome countries. However,from our factory dormitories,“village in city” and “accommodation”,it can be seen that Chinas urban housing poverty is becoming worse. If this trend cannot be fundamentally reversed,China will probably follow in Latin Americas,longterm struggle with its “middle income trap”. Therefore,the core of Chinas future urbanization,the socalled “urbanization of human beings”, is not to open the household registration system,but to solve the housing of urban poverty.
    Establishment of Ideal Model of Corporate Social Responsibility --Based on Enterprise Lifecycle Theory
    YUAN Xiong, DENG Zehong
    2014, 14(1):  57-60. 
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    The theory of enterprise lifecycle is an important theory in management,and the corporate social responsibility is always a hot research area in academic circles. While at present the combined research of the corporate social responsibility and the enterprise lifecycle is a blank at home and abroad. From the angle of enterprise lifecycle theory,an ideal model of social responsibility that is based on the enterprise lifecycle is built. The ideal situation of corporate social responsibility during different development stages is analyzed. Then the fivestage theory of corporate social responsibility performance is presented with an aim at providing a framework for the followup study.
    The “Perception” and “Self” in “Wanderer,kommst du nach Spa…”
    GUO Qi
    2014, 14(1):  61-64. 
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    Starting from the physical perception of Heinrich Blls short story “Wanderer,kommst du nach Spa…”, the theoretical model of perception is used to expound the role played by specific physical perception in the formation of “Self”.
    “A Rose for Emily” in Terms of Feminism
    HE Senmei
    2014, 14(1):  65-67. 
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    The alienation of Emily in “A Rose for Emily” is due to her weak character which originates from the social context. The necessity of Emilys tragedy is dealt with from the perspective of social context and feminism. Subjectively,Emilys weak character,dependence on economy and mentality are the subjective reasons for her tragedy,while originally,her loss of both her voice and her independent character is the result of mancentered—fathercentered and husbandcentered—society and the result of the coldness and spying mentality from the people around her.
    LU Yao's Novels of Love Tragedy and the Realistic Problems
    PENG Xingtao
    2014, 14(1):  68-71. 
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    As a realistic writer,LU Yao has a deep love and feeling to the real life. As an indispensable part of life,the love is also an indispensable part of his novels. But LU Yaos love story is often imperfect. As a wise man,he shows readers love and its sorrow and tears. It tends to have a gap between the lovers; the gap is one of the causes of the love tragedy. But LU does not only show the tragedy. Just as he wants to encourage readers through his fight,he also wants to convey to readers a lot of concerns about real life through his novels love tragedy.
    Affirmation of Human Value --Humanistic Concern in BI Shumins Urban Novels
    ZHAO Xianfeng
    2014, 14(1):  72-75. 
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    From the perspective of humanistic spirit,the transformation of human values in BI Shumins urban novel is discussed from the aspect of ideology,standard of value and moral sentiment. Thus,how BI Shumin shows her concern about the value of individual life and develops a new situation of humanistic concern in the culture of human nature is fully understood.
    On Bellows Criticism of Mass Media with an Analysis of The Deans December
    NING Dong, YANG Jinsong, NING Kangjian
    2014, 14(1):  76-78. 
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    The Deans December is a representative novel of Saul Bellow who is a famous American novelist and the winner of Nobel Prize for Literature in 1976. The Deans December is analyzed with Baudrillards theory on mass media from the aspects of conspiracy between mass media and power structure and deconstruction of reality in mass media. The conclusion that Bellow makes a sharp criticism of mass media in the novel is drawn.
    Investigation of the Same Title Poem and Fu Phenomenon
    JIANG Feifei
    2014, 14(1):  79-81. 
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    There was a phenomenon of the same title poem and Fu in literature of the Six Dynasties. The same title poem and Fu writing originated in Jianan,developed rapidly in Jin Dynasty,and reached its peak in the Southern Dynasties. The same title poem and Fu writing promoted the development of poetry and Fu,expanded the scope of poetry description,and Fu gradually reduced in length. The poem and Fu began to have the same titles,which promoted the development of the Yongwu literature of this period. The reason of the same title poetry phenomenon was most closely related to the frequent literary group activities.
    An Explanation of “Wuyudianye” According to Confucian Thought of Ritual and Music
    ZHONG Liang
    2014, 14(1):  82-85. 
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    Most scholars explain Shizuo chapter as a spring outing or sacrifice in history. According to Confucius’ official career,self-cultivation and his evaluation to his follower,the explanation of this chapter should be sacrifice.
    On the Promotion in Literature Style Integration of the Southern and Northern Dynasty by the Scholars of Wenlinguan
    LIU Fei
    2014, 14(1):  86-90. 
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    Wenlinguan,located in the late of Northern Qi Dynasty,is a cultural institution for editing Yulan. At this time there gathered a large number of native and the South into the North of scholars,referred to as the scholars of “Dai Zhao Wenlinguan”. Compared with the Wenlinguan's transient,Wenlinguans scholars are promoting the literature style of integration of the Northern and Southern in the following three aspects: first the advocation and simulation on the Southern style; secondly mutual recognition of concept in literature style integration of the Southern and Northern Dynasty; thirdly acceptance of the literature works of the Northern.
    Ideas of “Taking from People with Limitation” in Guanzi
    WANG Yamin
    2014, 14(1):  91-93. 
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    From the perspective of tax,Guanzi proposes the idea of “taking from people with limitation”,including the degree of taking and giving,the degree of up and down,and the ratio of “degree”,to ensure peoples subsistence minimum line and maintain political domination of the safety line. Guanzi makes the idea of “taking from people with limitation” to a political level,advocating the use of taxes to maintain political stability. Since this ideas is essentially served as a monarchy,so under certain conditions,it is still maintaining the autocratic monarchy.
    A Brief Discussion on the Change of Mourning Dress
    XU Feng
    2014, 14(1):  94-96. 
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    Based on the ancient Chinese ritual system, the mourning dress is not static. According to the funeral date and the ritual activity, the mourning dress needs to be changed several times. It can be divided into four circumstances, “Chengfu”, “Bianfu”, “Shoufu” and “Chufu”. “Chengfu” is to change from the usual dress to the mourning dress. “Bianfu” and “Shou fu” refer to replacing the mourning dress based on the change of the funeral date and situation. “Chufu” means to take off the mourning dress and change back to usual dress after the funeral, In the ancient Chinese mourning dress system, the thought of “using clothes to express emotions” and “depending on the circumstances to do the right change” is throughout the whole change of the mourning dress in the funeral process. It also demonstrated the basic idea of the Confucian “rule with ritual and righteousness”.
    Research on the Demobilization of Knowledge Youth --Taking Sichuan as an Example
    LIU Liping
    2014, 14(1):  97-100. 
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    In 1946, the national government began to work on the demobilization of knowledge youth. On the basis of a series of preferential rules of knowledge youth army, the national government formulated policies and regulations on the knowledge youth demobilization, and set up specialized agencies. In the specific implementation process, the national government gave subsidies and aid to them, so that most knowledge youth can be demobilized.to a certain extent, which maintained the social stability.
    Retrospect and Prospect: Research of Postgraduate Students Integrity Education in Recent Years
    LIU Wujing
    2014, 14(1):  101-104. 
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    Academic research of postgraduate students integrity education focuses on postgraduate students lack of credibility of performance and attribution, the countermeasures to strengthen the honesty education, achieved fruitful results. But there are “full of theoretical studies, lack of practice research”. The understanding and positioning are significantly “low”. The boundary between the integrity of education and moral education is unclear. It is pointed out to strengthen the practice research, realize the benign interaction of theory and practice, go beyond the current understanding and positioning, actively develop effective countermeasures, breakthrough the weak research, push the study of postgraduate students integrity education, and promote the healthy development of postgraduate students education.
    Opportunity and Challenge of United Front Work in Colleges and Universities Under the New Media Environment
    LIU Yan
    2014, 14(1):  105-107. 
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    The united front work in colleges and universities under the new media environment meets both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, the new media for the united front work department of colleges and universities to strengthen the communication with non-party representative work provides a new channel and innovation. On the other hand, increased difficulty of the united front work and new media also test the ability of the united front cadres.
    Under the New Situation of Graduate Student Party Branch Building “3 + 5” Innovation Model
    TENG Tian, WANG Yongfeng
    2014, 14(1):  108-110. 
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    University graduate student party branch is the important position where the socialist core value system is used to the young. However, under the new situation, graduate student party branch faces weak party branch construction, organization innovation insufficient, the mentor role weak, party members the quantity and quality unbalance. In fact, the graduate student party branch in colleges should set up the new management mode, teachers and the students party members in the party branch have their role to play, cooperate with each other. Meanwhile they also should optimize the party branch construction, improve organization life, carry out hierarchical management, build the party member management network platform and strengthen the institutional guarantee to proceed reform and innovation, strengthen the graduate student party branch effect.
    Research on a New EST Reading Course Teaching Model Reform for Professional Degree Postgraduates
    WANG Jihong
    2014, 14(1):  111-114. 
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    The status quo of EST reading problems for the professional degree postgraduates of electrical and mechanical engineering in Nanjing Institute of Technology is analyzed. Then based on the balance of “input” and “output” theory, EST reading teaching model reform is reported according to the classroom experimentation. The results show that an effective way of improving students EST reading competence can be realized by integrating the majorbased knowledge into the process of “input” and “output”, which is based on the roughly-tuned input and the comprehensive input of EST reading, various tasks are designed to output the reading texts they have absorbed.
    On the German University Teaching Intercultural Awareness
    WEN Guoqin
    2014, 14(1):  115-117. 
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    How to strengthen the college German teaching of crosscultural awareness training has become Chinas academic and educational workers topic of common concern, which is the perfect response to globalization and the need for teaching German. Language is the carrier of culture. It has the mission of cultural information transmission. It is cultural form of expression and an important part. Meanwhile, it influences the cultural development. Language and culture are inseparable. College German teachings intercultural awareness training reflects the inherent relationship between language and culture. To foster crosscultural awareness, we must cultivate outstanding teachers, improve teaching content, teaching methods change, to seize extracurricular activities, optimizing assessment methods.
    Teaching Strategies of Graduate Professional Foundation Courses Based on the Independent Learning Model --Taking “Computational Fluid Dynamics” as the Practice
    OU Yihong, YI Lan, QI Sheng, BAN Guizhen, DU Yang, JIANG Xinsheng, LIANG Jianjun
    2014, 14(1):  118-121. 
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    By comparing the course characteristics of high school, undergraduate, graduatelevel, and the commonalities and individualities of independent learning model, the characteristics of graduate professional foundation courses are summarized. The general idea of independent learning strategy for graduate professional foundation courses is explored. In the end, taking “Computational Fluid Dynamics” as the teaching practice, the teaching strategies of independent learning model are designed.
    A Study of YAN Fus “Paraphrased” Translation from the Perspective of Translation Ethics
    LIAO Tao
    2014, 14(1):  122-124. 
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    As a wellknown enlightenment thinker and translator in Modern China, YAN Fus translations of famous western sociological works have influenced a generation of Chinese intellectuals. In spite of YAN Fus valuable contribution to the translation field, his translation strategy has been criticized by some scholars. Study of translation ethics is meaningful to the objective and dialectical evaluation of YAN Fus “paraphrased” translation.
    An Analysis of the Translation of Names in Shan Hai Jing
    CHENG Liying
    2014, 14(1):  125-127. 
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    As a cultural gem of ancient China, Shan Hai Jing remains the least understood and the most problematic Chinese classic. Although the book is full of monsters and unusual things, there is valuable historic information hidden in it. The translation of various names in one version is analyzed to find out the errors and defects therein. The causes and traces the sources are summed up. On this basis, some advice on how to preserve the original styles when one translates classics is put forward.
    Translation of Quotations Between English and Chinese in Terms of Narrative
    CAO Xu
    2014, 14(1):  128-131. 
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    As an important research project of narrative, quotation includes two parts:quotation verbs and quoted language, which are different in their orders in the two different languages, thus adjust when translated; the two parts are different in the four types of quotation, thus proper adjust when translated so that the subjects are clearer and readers can understand them easily; the paragraphunit translation theory requires a transfer of quoted language in its division and combination of paragraphs.
    Perspectives on the Features of Iconicity of Sequence in English and Chinese Syntax
    CHEN Daobin
    2014, 14(1):  132-135. 
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    Iconicity is currently one of the hot topics in the frameworks of cognitive linguistics. The similarities and characteristics of syntactic structures in both of English and Chinese are discussed. In view of the semantic levels of English and Chinese syntactic structures, the iconicity of sequence which is reflected in the syntactic structures of English and Chinese, and as well as that which was subdivided into different dimensions in terms of time, space or conceptual perspectives are focused on. In the end, it is presented that English and Chinese syntax are motivated and the iconicity is common among them.
    Analysis of the Meanings of “Heng(Horizontal)” from the Perspective of Spatial Metaphor Theory
    HE Jianyou
    2014, 14(1):  136-139. 
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    Spatial organization is identified as the center of the human cognition. Its metaphorization, indispensable to the language system, contributes to the construction of numerous abstract concepts in life. Space can be either horizontal or vertical. The spatial adjective “heng (horizontal)” in Chinese is centered on, its meanings as well as its metaphorical modes are analyzed in a hope to elicit further understanding of the characteristics of Chinese spatial metaphors.
    Prefix Bus Type and Etymology
    LI Huabin
    2014, 14(1):  140-144. 
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    Prefix Bu is generally placed in the range of Bang and Zhi of the early ancient Chinese by the researchers, also regarded as the proof of the prefix *p or the coronal *pC. It is regarded as the source of Yi and Yue by using ways of document research and language comparison. Therefore the aboves do not hold.