[1]刘大杰.中国文学发展史[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2006. [2]俞绍初.“南皮之游”与建安诗歌创作[J].文学遗产,2007(5):13-20. [3]林庚.中国文学简史[M].北京:北京大学出版社,1988. [4]胡大雷.中古文学集团·前言[M].桂林:广西师范大学出版社,1996. [5]周晋.“重神轻形”形神观与六朝画论的展开[J].重庆三峡学院学报,2013(1):110-113. 〖JY〗 〖HTSS〗 〖JZ(〗〖WT4HZ〗Investigation of the Same Title Poem and Fu Phenomenon 〖WT5BZ〗JIANG Feifei 〖WT5”BZ〗(Anhui University,Hefei,Anhui 230000,China) 〖WTHZ〗Abstract:There was a phenomenon of the same title poem and Fu in literature of the Six Dynasties. The same title poem and Fu writing originated in Jianan,developed rapidly in Jin Dynasty,and reached its peak in the Southern Dynasties. The same title poem and Fu writing promoted the development of poetry and Fu,expanded the scope of poetry description,and Fu gradually reduced in length. The poem and Fu began to have the same titles,which promoted the development of the Yongwu literature of this period. The reason of the same title poetry phenomenon was most closely related to the frequent literary group activities. 〖WTHZ〗Key words:same title poem; same title fu; literature group activities; 〖JY〗〖HT5”H〗〖HTSS〗