›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (5): 43-47.

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Governance on the Problem of Assembling a Crowd Robbery & Theft in Song Dynasty

FENG Zhiwei1, LIU Zhisong2   

  1. (1.College of law, Tianjin Public Security Profession College,Tianjin 300382, China; 2.Department of Law, Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences,Tianjin 300191; China)
  • Received:2014-02-22 Online:2014-10-31 Published:2016-04-06



  1. 1.天津公安警官职业学院 法学系,天津 300382;2.天津社会科学院 法学所,天津 300191
  • 作者简介:冯志伟(1982-),男,河北唐山人,天津公安警官职业学院法学系讲师,法学博士,研究方向:民族法制史、中国法制史;刘志松(1980-),男,河北文安人,天津社科院法学所副研究员,法学博士,研究方向:中国法制史、犯罪学史。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In Song Dynasty, the phenomenon of assembling a crowd robbery and theft occurred frequently, which not only destroyed the dynasty ruling order, but also seriously affected the development of the economy and society, thus becoming one of the serious social problems. The problems of assembling a crowd robbery and theft are mainly due to the rulers of the oppression and enslavement of people, and the direct performance of the main reasons on inappropriate national policies, social unrest, and so on. The face of large-scale assembling a crowd robbery and theft cases, rulers in the governance process were not consistently suppressed but with the use of combat and to appease. They had adjusted the inappropriate policy to avoid the more large-scale outbreak of the uprising at the same time, and got the continuation of the dynastys rule.

Key words: assembling a crowd robbery theft, pacification and combat, policy debugging

摘要: 两宋时期聚众型贼盗事件频频发生,不但破坏了王朝的统治秩序,也严重影响了经济社会的发展,成为一个严重的社会问题。聚众型贼盗事件爆发,根本的原因是君主专制下对人民的压榨和奴役,直接原因则主要表现在国家的政策不当和社会的动荡等多个方面。面对具备一定规模的聚众型贼盗事件,统治者在整治过程中没有一律镇压,而是区分不同情形,剿抚并施,调整了一些不当的政策,遏制了形成大规模起义的趋势,为王朝的延续提供了保障。

关键词: 聚众型贼盗, 剿抚并施, 政策调整