›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 137-139.

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A Scrutiny on the Translating Process of Macartneys Court Ceremonial Proposal

LIU Li   

  1. (School of Foreign Languages, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China)
  • Received:2014-09-23 Online:2015-04-30 Published:2015-04-30



  1. 重庆交通大学 外国语学院,重庆 400074
  • 作者简介:刘黎(1980-),女,重庆交通大学外国语学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:翻译理论与实践、翻译史。

Abstract: Who translated Macartneys Court Ceremonial Proposal and how it was translated still remains in dispute. Examining Macartneys journal and Stauntons works as well as their respective Chinese versions helps understand that different views on proposal translation bear relation to the mistranslation of Macartneys journal. Comparing English original materials can reveal the historical facts and the features of translating activities in special historical contexts.

Key words: Macartney, Court Ceremonial Proposal, translation

摘要: 马戛尔尼觐见乾隆皇帝的礼仪照会怎样译出、由谁译出的问题在学界虽有论者提及,但并无定论。梳理使团成员日记、著作等原始资料以及相应汉译文可知,论者对礼仪照会的翻译问题莫衷一是与汉语译本中的误译不无关系。以英文资料为基础,比较使团成员对礼仪照会翻译的叙述能还原史实真相,能一窥当时特殊历史背景下翻译活动的特征和形态。

关键词: 马戛尔尼, 礼仪照会, 翻译