›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (5): 140-144.

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An Empirical Study of College English Listening to Improve Speaking Teaching Model Based on Chunk

ZHENG Zimin   

  1. (School of Humanities, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118, China)
  • Received:2015-01-13 Online:2015-10-31 Published:2021-04-16

基于语块的大学英语“以听促说” 教学模式实证研究


  1. 福建工程学院 人文学院,福州 350118
  • 作者简介:郑子敏(1978-),女,福建漳州人,福建工程学院副教授,硕士,研究方向:应用语言学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This study is based on the theories of chunk and shortterm memory, comprehensible input hypothesis and comprehensible output hypothesis. Taking college English listening and speaking class in Fujian University of Technology as an example, the empirical study explores the feasibility and validity of listening to improve speaking teaching model. The findings from the analysis of experimental data indicate that listening to improve speaking teaching model based on chunk has a significant influence on the development of students’ listening and speaking skills and it can effectively improve students listening and speaking competence.

Key words: chunk, listening to improve speaking, teaching model

摘要: 以语块理论、可理解输入假设、可理解输出假设和记忆理论为基础,以福建工程学院大学英语听说课堂实验教学为例,考察研究“以听促说”教学模式的可行性和有效性。教学实验数据分析结果表明,基于语块的“以听促说”教学模式对学生听说能力的发展有显著影响,能够有效促进听说能力的提高。

关键词: 语块, 以听促说, 教学模式