›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (5): 55-59.

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New Exploration on A Priori --Comment on Dufrennes The Notion of A Priori

WANG Huanhuan   

  1. (Chinese Aesthetics and Art Theory Research Center, Zhejiang SciTech Uniersity, Hangzhou 310018, China)
  • Received:2014-09-08 Online:2015-10-31 Published:2021-04-16

对先天概念的新探究 ——论杜夫海纳的《先天的概念》


  1. 浙江理工大学 中国美学与艺术理论研究中心,杭州 310018
  • 作者简介:王欢欢(1986-),男,河南淮阳人,浙江理工大学教师,厦门大学文艺学博士,研究方向:文艺学。

Abstract: In The Notion of A Priori,Dufrenne absorbs the thought of a priori and ontology in The Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience, whats more, he gives a more detailed information and accurate argument and a natural way to ontology. A priori is divided into two parts, which are further divided. Ontology is found from the equality and familiarity between man and the world which is hiding in the relation from the objective and subjective of A Priori. But there are also some problems, including unclear concepts, trying to go back a distorted empiricism and traditional substantive ontology.

Key words: a priori, ontology, Dufrenne

摘要: 在《先天的概念》一书中,杜夫海纳吸收了《审美经验现象学》中关于先天和本体论的论述,更重要的是对先天做了更加详细和详实的论证,本体论的过渡也更加自然。他把先天划分为主观方面和客观方面,并进一步划分了先天的主观方面和客观方面。他从先天主观方面和客观方面相连而蕴含的人与世界的平等性和亲密性找到了本体论的方向。这本书存在概念不清晰、试图回到一种蹩脚的经验主义以及传统的实体本体论问题。

关键词: 先天, 本体论, 杜夫海纳