›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 10-13.

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Analysis and Coping Strategies on X (Low) Efficiency of ServiceOriented Party in Colleges and Universities

TU Shuangbin   

  1. (Organization Department, Ningde Normal University, Ningde, Fujian 352100, China
  • Received:2015-05-05 Online:2015-12-31 Published:2016-01-08



  1. 宁德师范学院 组织部,福建 宁德 352100
  • 作者简介:涂双滨(1983-),男,福建泉州人,宁德师范学院助理研究员,硕士,研究方向:高校教育管理。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The construction of serviceoriented party organizations in colleges and universities is not completely efficient at present, such as the problems of unknown sources X(low efficiency): a mufti agency, a rational choice of the Party members, inertia of the Party organizations, nonfeasance of the Party leaders, weakening service etc. By using X (low) efficiency theory properly, the existing problems and their shows in current college Party organizations are analyzed. From standardizing agent relationship, overcoming six aspects of rational choice, reasonable control of the pressure and the use of pushpull theory such as putting forward specific measures, the X (low) efficiency could be solved. The vitality and the vigor of university service type party organization construction could be reinforced.

Key words: college, serviceoriented party, X (low) efficiency

摘要: 当前,高校服务型党组织建设并非完全有效率,而是存在着多层委托代理、党员具有选择理性、党组织存在惰性区域、党员干部不作为、服务作用弱化等来源不明的X(低)效率问题。合理运用X(低)效率理论,分析当前高校服务型党组织存在的问题及表现,从规范委托代理关系、克服选择理性、合理管控压力和运用推拉理论等六个方面提出具体对策,有效解决高校服务型党组织X(低)效率问题,为进一步加强高校服务型党组织建设注入生机和活力。

关键词: 高校, 服务型党组织, x(低)效率