›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5): 141-144.

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On the Translation Model of the Texts of Museums --With the Translation of the Texts of Nantong Museum as a Case Study

ZhANG Yun   

  1. (Nantong College of Science and Technology, Nantong, Jiangsu 226007, China)
  • Received:2016-03-20 Revised:2016-03-31 Online:2016-10-01 Published:2016-11-04

博物馆文本英译模式研究 ——以南通博物苑新馆为例


  1. 南通科技职业学院,江苏 南通 226007
  • 作者简介:张云(1983—),女,江苏南通人,南通科技职业学院人文系讲师,硕士,研究方向:翻译理论与实践、教育教学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Museum, a treasure house of historical culture, has been undertaking the responsibility of transmitting and inheriting history and culture. Chinese museums are of greater importance for the long history, diversified forms and rich contents. In order to let the world better understand Chinese traditional culture, the texts of museums play a more and more important role in cross culture communication. In light of cross culture communication and on the basis of cultural convergence theory, a systematic research on the texts of the museums is made in an attempt to construct a translation model and measuring standard for the translation of the texts of museums.

Key words: cultural convergence, the texts of museums, translation model

摘要: 博物馆是宁谧而神圣的殿堂,是人类历史文化的宝库,承担着传承历史文化的重任。中国的博物馆更因中国文化博大精深而尤为重要。为了让世界更好地了解中国的传统文化,博物馆文本英译在跨文化传播中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文在跨文化传播的视野下,以文化辐合会聚理论为基础,以南通博物苑新馆为例,系统地研究博物馆文本英译,尝试构建一个普遍适用于博物馆文本英译的翻译模式和衡量标准。

关键词: 文化辐合会聚, 博物馆文本, 翻译模式