›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1): 130-135.

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Analysis of Translation of Company Overviews of Chinese Insurance Company from Perspective of Communication Studies

QIU Jin, XIE Ke   

  1. (School of Foreign Languages, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing 402160, China)
  • Received:2016-04-27 Revised:2016-07-06 Online:2017-01-02 Published:2017-02-22



  1. 重庆文理学院 外国语学院,重庆 402160
  • 作者简介:邱进(1970—),女,重庆人,重庆文理学院外国语学院副教授,研究方向:翻译;谢柯(1980—),男,四川成都人,重庆文理学院外国语学院副教授,研究方向:翻译。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The essence and the most significant issue of translating materials for international publicity are pointed out and some basic principles that merit attention in translation are put forward. 40 company overview translations and English texts on Chinese, British and American insurance company websites are surveyed from the perspective of communication studies and three problems on Chinese insurance company websites are pointed out, that is, inappropriate content, inappropriate rhetoric and failure to exert the advantages of internet media. Then alternative translation strategies such as compiling and retranslating are offered. Finally, a retranslated version of a company overview is provided for reference.

Key words: communication studies, insurance company website, company overview, translation

摘要: 本文指出外宣翻译的本质和最重要关切,从传播学视角提出了外宣翻译须遵循的基本原则。考察了四十则中国保险企业网站企业概况英译文和英美保险企业网站企业概况后,评析了中国保险企业网站企业概况的英译情况,存在三个主要问题,即:传播内容不当、修辞不当和未能发挥网络媒介优势。译者应采用编译和改译等变通翻译策略解决这些问题,并提供了一中国保险企业网站企业概况的改译供参照。

关键词: 传播学, 保险企业网站, 企业概况, 翻译