›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2): 120-124.

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On the Role of Narrative Projection in the Reading of Dictionary of the Khazars

HAN Bin1,2   

  1. (1.Graduate School, Silla University, Busan 46958, Korea; 2.School of Foreign Languages, Zaozhuang University, Zaozhuang, Shandong 277160, China)
  • Received:2016-09-01 Revised:2016-09-27 Online:2017-04-01 Published:2017-04-23



  1. 1.新罗大学 研究生院,韩国 釜山 46958;2.枣庄学院 外国语学院,山东 枣庄 277160
  • 作者简介:韩斌(1975—),男,山东枣庄人,枣庄学院外国语学院副教授,新罗大学博士研究生,研究方向:认知诗学、应用语言学。

Abstract: Story and narrative projection are basic human cognitive abilities to understand literary and non-literary communication. Human beings use story or fable to identify certain simple stories in the world and then project them to more complicated and more abstract stories. In the process of reading Dictionary of the Khazars, readers verify each entrys meaning by their personal schema-based stories and narrative projections, and finally construct the meaning of the novel.

Key words: story, narrative projection, Dictionary of the Khazars

摘要: 故事及叙事投射是理解文学和非文学交际领域的一种基本的认知能力。人们利用故事或寓言,在日常生活中辨识出一些简单的故事,并能够将它们投射到更宏大、更抽象的故事之中。在阅读后现代文学作品《哈扎尔词典》的过程中,读者在基于个人认知图式之上的故事及其投射中验证明晰每个词条的意义,并构建出《哈扎尔辞典》所讲述的故事含义。

关键词: 故事, 叙事投射, 《哈扎尔词典》