›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 19-24.

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On the Guarantee and Maintenance of the Legal Rights and Interests of the Delivery Soldiers in Song Dynasty

CHANG Qinfei   

  1. (Song History Research Center and College of History, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China)
  • Received:2017-06-12 Revised:2017-07-04 Online:2018-01-01 Published:2018-02-26



  1. 河北大学 宋史研究中心暨历史学院,河北 保定 071002
  • 作者简介:常沁飞(1993—),女,河北大学宋史研究中心暨历史学院硕士研究生,研究方向:中国古代史。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Delivery is the basic unit of Song Dynasty official transfer system for delivering official documents, transporting official materials, escorting prisoners and so on. The Song dynasty military system set the delivery soldiers as the main staff of delivery. Because of hard task, overwork, many other illegal issues, even the deduction of their salaries by the local government when in financial distress, therefore, the Song Dynasty government issued a number of initiatives to protect the legal rights and interests of the delivery camp, and established a sound supervision and control mechanism. Through the analysis of relevant legal provisions and actual implementation, it can be seen that the Song Dynasty law promoted the perfection and diversification of the rights of the group.

Key words: Song dynasty, delivery soldier, legal right, maintenance

摘要: 递铺是宋代官方邮传系统中的基本单位,主要任务有承运官方文书、运输官物、押送犯人等。宋代厢军体系中设立递铺兵的兵种作为承担递铺工作的主要人员。宋代递铺兵群体任务繁重,地方政府还会因财政窘迫而克扣其俸禄,并存在有官劳役过度等诸多不法问题。故而促使宋朝政府出台诸多举措,针对他们的权益作出全方位维护。通过相关法律条文及实际执行情况的分析可以看出,宋代法律促进了递铺兵群体享有权利的完整化及多元化。

关键词: 宋代, 递铺兵, 法律权益, 维护