›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 37-42.

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A Textual Research on Song Dynastys Local Officials to Participate in Prostitutes Banquet

LIU Yi, WANG Xiaolong   

  1. (Song History Research Center and College of History, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China)
  • Received:2017-04-19 Revised:2017-06-05 Online:2018-04-20 Published:2018-04-18



  1. 河北大学 宋史研究中心暨历史学院,河北 保定 071002
  • 作者简介:刘怡(1993—),女,河北大学宋史研究中心硕士研究生,研究方向:宋史;王晓龙(1977—),男,河北大学宋史研究中心研究员,历史学博士,研究方向:宋代政治制度史、法制史、财政史及中国古代政法史、文化史。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The use of prostitutes was a popular recreational activity of the banquet which the Song Dynastys local officials held.The government of the Song Dynasty from many aspects made a prohibitive provisions to the sybaritic activities.But the issues that the Song Dynastys local officials frequently participated in prostitutes banquet still could not be avoided.Therefore,the phenomenon seriously affected the efficiency of the local officials,formed a general mood of extravagance and damaged the public image of the local officials,the local finance as well as peoples lives.

Key words: Song Dynasty, local official, the prostitutes banquet

摘要: 妓乐是宋代地方官员宴饮聚会中一种较为常见的娱乐性活动,宋朝政府从诸多方面对这一奢侈享乐活动的开展作出了限制性规定,仍旧不能避免地方官员频繁地参加妓乐宴会,严重影响了地方官员的办事效率,造成两宋奢靡享乐的官场风气,破坏了各级地方官员在民众心目中的形象。同时,大量的财物、人力支出也使得地方财政以及百姓生活遭到严重损害。

关键词: 宋代, 地方官员, 妓乐宴会