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    20 April 2018, Volume 18 Issue 2
    SWOT Analysis of the Development of Ecotourism in Zhangye under the Perspective of Belt and Road Initiative
    TAN Jianglin, SUN Xiaojuan
    2018, 18(2):  1-6. 
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    Based on the SWOT analysis, the opportunities and challenges of ecotourism development of the city Zhangye, which is the core area of Hexi Corridor, are discussed. Ecotourism development of this city is likely to embrace its golden era because of its infinite nature resource and belt and road policy. Precise information and appropriate market positioning can help Zhangye with a sustainable and healthy development of ecotourism industry..
    The Protection of the Copyright of Online Literature Works and the Way Out
    XIAO Hai1, WEI Haifei2
    2018, 18(2):  7-10. 
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    In accordance with the direct and indirect method of division in judicial practice, the copyright infringement of online literature works is divided into direct infringement and indirect infringement. But there exist difficulties of recognizing the copyright ownership of the difficulties, the obstacles of definite infringers, plagiarism, disproportionate maintenance of human rights. The recognition of the ownership of the copyright may be resolved by strengthening the legal consciousness of the relevant subject; relying on the collective management system to determine the infringer more efficiently; the antiplagiarism system helps to define plagiarism; the introduction of punitive damages can improve the proportion of human rights.
    Reviews on Energy Governance
    ZHANG Qun, SONG Yingfa
    2018, 18(2):  11-16. 
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    Over the past few years, global energy governance has emerged as a major new field of enquiry in international studies.Energy governance originates from attentions that global governance has paid to energy. It aims to facilitate global energy safety, economy development and how to settle questions on energy poverty, terrorism, climate change, environmental pollution and other global crisis. Conception, framework and research trends are highlighted based on current state review and the G20 Leaders Summit. Thus, the attitude of China on joining energy governance is made clear.
    Reconsideration of Confucian Thought of Forgiveness --Also on the Differences between China and the West
    XU Feng
    2018, 18(2):  17-23. 
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    Forgiveness is an important concept in social ethics. Comparing the thought of forgiveness between China and the West, it can be found that there are great differences between the two in terms of behavior presupposition, moral treatment mechanism, result and target orientation. The origin of these differences is due to the evolution of the historical language. In general, “forgiveness” of Confucianism is based on benevolence, which characteristic is not to focus on selflove or the function to repair social relations, but to actively achieve the unity of inner moral and external action.
    Mencius Educational Thought: Profundity and Enlightenment
    LIU Hongsheng
    2018, 18(2):  24-29. 
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    As a gem of Chinese traditional culture, Mencius educational thought includes prime ideas as follows: the function of education is to cultivate the benevolence and morality of a human, and to restore the goodinnature of a human; the value of education lies in its ability to make a human different from a beast, to make the worthy different from the unworthy, to normalize the social feudal order of seniority in human relationships, and to get the inclination of the hearts of the people; teachers should pay attention to teaching methods, such as exemplary teaching, teaching students with virtues and in accordance with their aptitude; students should pay attention to learning methods, such as engaging in selfexamination, combining learning and thinking, uniting knowledge and behavior, and digesting all they have learned.
    Investment of Overseas Chinese to Large Rear Banks in the Later Period of the AntiJapanese War
    TIAN Qingqing
    2018, 18(2):  30-36. 
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    Since the outbreak of the fullscale AntiJapanese War, overseas Chinese enthusiastically donated funds to support the great cause of the AntiJapanese War. Especially after the Pacific War, overseas Chinese returned home to develop the southwest rear area that had rich resources for China. Because of the importance of the construction of production enterprise, part of the overseas Chinese capital flows into the financial industry to set up a number of overseas Chinese banks, which were designed to play the mission of bank financing and promote the cooperation between capital and technology, finance and business, and achieve patriotism of the motherland.
    A Textual Research on Song Dynastys Local Officials to Participate in Prostitutes Banquet
    LIU Yi, WANG Xiaolong
    2018, 18(2):  37-42. 
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    The use of prostitutes was a popular recreational activity of the banquet which the Song Dynastys local officials held.The government of the Song Dynasty from many aspects made a prohibitive provisions to the sybaritic activities.But the issues that the Song Dynastys local officials frequently participated in prostitutes banquet still could not be avoided.Therefore,the phenomenon seriously affected the efficiency of the local officials,formed a general mood of extravagance and damaged the public image of the local officials,the local finance as well as peoples lives.
    Book Restriction Order and the Outlook Change of “Superior Han and Inferior Minorities” in Song Dynasty
    ZHANG Zhenyue
    2018, 18(2):  43-47. 
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    In Song Dynasty, stressing the civil arts over the military arts results in a passive position in the war against foreign invasion. The Northern Song Dynasty and Liao, Xixia began to have equal status, rather than the previously overwhelming position in the Central Plains, whose people for the first time felt the fear between the “weak” reality and “extremely arrogant” ideal. The Northern Song Dynasty government carried out a a series of policies to restrict or prohibit the flow of books abroad, which marks the germination of scholars consciousness of national concern in the central plains and reflects the change of the outlook of “superior Han Chinese and inferior barbarous minority Chinese”.
    On Foreign MOOC Knowledge Map
    WEN Yanan
    2018, 18(2):  48-53. 
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    As a web of science core database, MOOC research data from SSCI journals as the foundation, the research status, the subject cluster, the research frontier and the knowledge base in the field of MOOC research are analyzed. The research is helpful to comb the application path and present the frontier evolution of MOOC, so as to provide a reference for the research and practice for further research.
    Study on the Construction of Low Carbon City in Hefei
    LI Minqi
    2018, 18(2):  54-58. 
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    To establish the national lowcarbon city successfully, people in Hefei focus on toplevel design, strengthen the rearrangement of both industrial and energyresource structure, lead the science and technology, and actively explore the unique lowcarbon development model. So the effect of low carbon city construction is significant. But Hefei’s low carbon development is also facing many subjective and objective challenges. Systematic planning and extensive participation is needed in order to truly realize the low carbon transition.
    The Artisan Spirit of Shipping Culture
    JIN Qiurong
    2018, 18(2):  59-63. 
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    The shipping culture is born of craftsman culture, but is bluer than blue. The ideological meanings of technical objects, technical system, technology of ship are more than the connotations of the traditional craftsman culture connotation of “morality,utilization,health”, and establish a brew in the cultural system of modern technology. It is the core of the craftsman spirit and the important connotation of the shipping culture. The shipping culture not only gives the craftsman a rich connotation, but also infuses it with the innovation factor.
    Research on the Problems of the Development of Network About the Ridehailing Service and Countermeasures --Taking Didi Taxi
    CUI Dongfang
    2018, 18(2):  64-70. 
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    With the increasing difficulty of taking an urban taxi and the increase of peoples travel demand, and taking the chance of “Internet plus” era, ridehailing service was born. As a fusion of Internet ecommerce and the real economy, a new productridehailing service improves the utilization ratio of the taxi, reduces the cost of the company operation, convenience peoples life, but at the same time, there is immaturity of the taxi software technology, the lack of supervision mechanism and other disadvantages. Therefore, in constructing the tripartite cooperation operation mode of science, the measure of developing dynamic pricing system, simplifying the software use of the program, improving the barriers of entry can better service peoples life.
    The Units of Natural Selection in Economic Evolution
    ZHAO Bin, CHEN Xinya
    2018, 18(2):  76-82. 
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    Darwinism has had a profound impact on economic theory. By introducing the theory of biological evolution in economics, the interpretation and analysis of economic phenomena have become common practice among economic theorists and sociologists in different periods. Philosophical debates about Darwinian evolution in the history of economic theory are combed out. Whether the theoretical explanation was analog to evolution of life in economics and natural selection is reasonable is considered. The purpose is to explain pending epistemology and even methodological issues by exploring the units of evolutionary selection in economics.
    An Empirical Study on the Connection Between Producer Service and TFP of Automotive Industry in Chongqing
    WEN Jie1,SI Shushan2
    2018, 18(2):  83-90. 
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    Based on the data of automobile manufacturing industry and producer service industry in Chongqing from 2011 to 2015, TFP of automotive industry is taken as the reference sequence and grey corelation theory is used to analyse the connection between TFP of automotive industry and four producer services which are logistics industry, merchandising business, finance and realty industry in Chongqing. The results show that realty industry has the closest relationship with automotive industry, followed by logistics industry, merchandising business and finance. Finally, for different producer services the countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the competitiveness of Chongqing automobile industry are proposed.
    A Study on the Main Factors and Countermeasures of Unbalanced Development of Regional Urbanization --A Case Study of Henan
    XIONG Feifei, LI Fei
    2018, 18(2):  91-97. 
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    The current development level of regional urbanization in China is not balanced, especially in Henan Province, the urbanization level is lower than that in coastal provinces. With the level of urbanization and the region economy development and peoples living conditions closely related to the economic data of Henan province from 1996 to 2015, using regression analysis, the key factors of Henan in the development of urbanization, the main reasons for the existence of the current development of urbanization in Henan Province in the process of the problems, and the corresponding policy suggestions are put forward.
    Analysis of Food Subsidy Policies Between China and the United States
    YU Qinqin
    2018, 18(2):  98-102. 
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    The food problem has been the focus of various countries in the world. The food industry is dependent on food subsidy policy. It is worth investigating how to learn from the experience of the development of food subsidies in the United States, based on the development of the existing food subsidy policy in China. Based on the grain subsidies policies between China and the United States, from the endowment of resources, the level of support and the extent of subsidies, the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward.
    Research on the Honesty and Credit in the Market Economy
    HU Yingquan
    2018, 18(2):  103-109. 
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    Good social credit is the prerequisite to maintain the normal operation of the market economy and reduce the transaction cost of the market. And it can effectively promote the improvement of economic efficiency and the development of economic society. At present, there is a serious phenomenon of dishonesty in our economic and social activities, which has brought great damage to the normal economic and social order, and seriously restricted the healthy development of economy and society. We must carefully analyze the causes of this phenomenon, and find out effective countermeasures.
    Observing the Spreading of Guizhou Poems of the Ming Dynasty in Xianfeng and Tongzhi Periods of the Qing Dynasty from the Poetry Collection of Qianshi Jilue
    HE Shuiying
    2018, 18(2):  110-115. 
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    Qianshi Jilue was rich in its literature. Sources of Qianshi Jilue were many and various, including anthology, history chronicles, inscribed documents, oral literature, map, etc. Poetry collection provides a reliable basis for the investigation of the spreading of Guizhou poems of the Ming Dynasty in Xianfeng and Tongzhi periods of the Qing Dynasty. From the spreading, the main disseminator was individual, and the local bureau of local chronicles was also a transmission carrier. The main medium of spreading was paper books. The transmission was mainly in written, such as copying and printing. The spreading was rich in themes and various in forms. Overall, the Guizhou poems of the Ming Dynasty was not widely spread in Xianfeng and Tongzhi periods of the Qing Dynasty. They remained less and were not concerned much.
    On Ralph Ellisons Literary Creation as a “Marginal Man” from the Diasporic Perspective
    XU Wei1, JIN Huaimei2
    2018, 18(2):  116-120. 
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    Diaspora discourse, the cultural critical theory in the context of postcolonialism, transcends the category of ethnic migration with a view of the continuation of race and the inheritance of culture. From the new perspective that has gone beyond the confines of history, nationality and border, Ralph Ellisons creation as a “Marginal Man” interprets the doubleconsciousness longexisted in African American literature as an identity consciousness that seeks for national identity and cultural positioning in the global multicultural space. This represents a sense of being and politics of difference that should be acknowledged.
    Study on National Image Creation from Editorial Title Language on New Years Day of Peoples Daily
    ZOU Xiaoling
    2018, 18(2):  121-124. 
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    Media language is an important carrier of information dissemination, which has close relation with national image creation. The editorial titles on New Years day of Peoples Daily since Chinas reform and opening up create the studious, united, promising, new, and amiable China image through special words, grammar and semantic features. The language strategies of Peoples Daily editorial title show that, media language is related to national image construction. At the same time, in order to spread better Chinese national image, media language should also keep pace with the times in shaping national image.
    Summary of the Research on Modern Chinese Vocabulary (2016)
    JI Mingxia
    2018, 18(2):  125-133. 
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    The research on modern Chinese vocabulary of 2016 has made various achievements both in ontology and application. On the ontology level, there are abundant achievements in word classes, vocabulary classification, lexicalization, semantic changes, cultural words etc. On the application level, there are some achievements in vocabulary teaching and acquisition, dictionary compilation, etc. On the whole, the research focuses on microcosmic level and the microcosmic analysis is much further and the research perspective is wider. More and more researches begin to combine western linguistic theories. However, there are still some research weaknesses, such as crossstraits vocabulary and database construction. These need further research.
    Testing Instruments and Assessment Methods of English Phonetics --A Review of Empirical Literature from SSCI and CSSCI Databases (2010-2016)
    WEI Kehan, PEI Zhengwei
    2018, 18(2):  134-139. 
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    36 empirical studies of English phonetics testing and assessment retrieved from SSCI and CSSCI databases and published from 2010 to 2016 are reviewed. It is found that the domestic studies used less diversified testing instruments than foreign ones did and both studies at home and abroad adopted different methods to assess speech quality. The findings are intended for advancing the research progress in second language phonetic acquisition and providing reference for the practice of English phonetics teaching.
    On the Cultural Interpretation and Translation of Weapons Used by Heroes in Romance of the Three Kingdoms
    QUAN Jizhen
    2018, 18(2):  140-144. 
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    Famous weapons in Romance of the Three Kingdoms are indispensable parts of Chinese culture. However, due to the gaping differences between Chinese and English culture, difficulties abound in their translation into English. The translation of famous weapons in Romance of the Three Kingdoms is studied for better translation of Chinese ancient weapons.