›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 15-22.

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Study on Rural Discipline Inspection System for Anticorruptionin Dual Rationality --Taking Leshan

ZHANG Maoyi   

  1. (Leshan Normal University, Leshan, Sichuan 614000, China)
  • Received:2017-12-21 Online:2018-10-20 Published:2018-10-10

农村基层反腐的村纪检制度双重理性考察 ——以四川乐山为例证


  1. 乐山师范学院,四川 乐山 614000
  • 作者简介:张茂一(1982—),男,乐山师范学院政法学院讲师,四川大学博士生,研究方向:马克思主义理论与当代中国政治发展。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In view of the rural grassroots corruption risk increase in recent years,the “last kilometer” of power supervision is reached through the exploration village discipline inspection mechanism in Leshan, Sichuan province. Under the dual rational investigation, the design and function of this system based on individual rationality perspectives present three modes: rule center, game theory and principalagent and public reason also provides security for the system. At the same time, due to doubling the limits of rational existence, the mechanism also suffers from a series of difficulties.The redesign and perfection of the system based on the dual rational will be beneficial to get out of an effective anticorruption road in the countryside.

Key words: anticorruption at the grassroots level, double rationality, village disciplinary inspection system

摘要: 针对近年农村基层腐败风险加大,四川乐山市通过探索村纪检机制打通了权力监督的“最后一公里”。基于双重理性考察,这一制度的设计与功能基于个体理性视角呈现出规则中心、博弈论、委托—代理三种模式,公共理性给予这一制度保障支撑。同时,双重理性限度的存在致使村纪检制度遭遇系列困境。基于双重理性的制度再设计与完善,有利于走出一条有效的农村基层反腐之路。

关键词: 基层反腐, 双重理性, 村纪检制度