›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (6): 24-29.

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The Central Bank of Chongqing Branch and Sichuan Provinces Currency Reform (1935—1937)

TIAN Qingqing   

  1. (School of History and Culture, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
  • Received:2017-07-25 Revised:2017-09-25 Online:2018-12-20 Published:2018-12-12

1935—1937年中央银行重庆分行 与四川省的币制改革


  1. 西南大学 历史文化学院,重庆 400715
  • 作者简介:田青青(1992—),女,土家族,西南大学历史文化学院重庆中国抗战大后方研究中心硕士研究生,研究方向:中国近代史。

Abstract: Since modern times,the financial chaos in Sichuan and the flood of paper money have been deeply affected by economy and peoples livelihood. In early 1935, Chiang Kaishek plotted to establish a rear base in Sichuan province. After the power penetrated Sichuan Province, he began to organize the finance. The central bank Chongqing branch was born. Since then, the central bank of Chongqing branch laid an economic foundation by the establishment of the rear base for the antiJapanese war from a financial point of view with the national governments political and military behavior, through the recovery of the destruction of banknotes, the implementation of national statutory monetary policy, the currency reform in Sichuan province before the full outbreak of antiJapanese war.

Key words: antiJapanese war, central bank of Chongqing branch, currency reform

摘要: 近代以来,四川金融混乱、纸币泛滥,经济民生深受其害。1935年初,蒋介石意欲在四川建立后方基地,在势力渗透川省后开始整理财政金融,中央银行重庆分行由此诞生。1935—1937年,中央银行重庆分行从金融角度配合国民政府的政治、军事行为,通过收销地钞、执行法币政策,在全面抗战爆发前完成对四川省的币制改革,为抗战大后方的建立奠定了经济基础。

关键词: 抗日战争, 中央银行重庆分行, 币制改革