›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (3): 89-95.

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The Game between Two Genders --Gaze and Countergaze in Harold Pinters Memory Play Old Times

LIU Feipeng, LIU Minglu   

  1. (College of Foreign Studies, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi 541006, China)
  • Received:2018-04-23 Online:2019-05-20 Published:2019-05-24

男女两性的博弈 ——品特记忆剧《昔日》中的凝视与反凝视


  1. 广西师范大学 外国语学院,广西,桂林 541006
  • 作者简介:刘飞鹏(1993—),男,广西师范大学外国语学院2016级外国语言文学专业硕士研究生,研究方向:英语文学;刘明录(1974—),男,壮族,广西师范大学外国语学院教授,博士,博士生导师,研究方向:中外戏剧。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In the contemporary British playwrights Harold Pinters memory play Old Times, by creating memories of “old times” with themselves as beneficiaries, Deeley and Anna have imposed gaze on Kate so as to gain the power of controlling her. Deeley the host showed depreciation for females and the lust to control them in the frame of patriarchy; Anna the visitor spoke for patriarchal radical feminism, who intends to control and discipline her samesex lover via gaze; however, Kate the hostess was not reduced to a powerless object in their gaze, but rather reestablishing the Old Times by her active use of discourse as countergaze in order to free herself from others discipline, dissolve the subject of gaze, and thus has constructed herself as a brand new selfreliant female image. It is also a reflection of the wave of feminism at that time.

Key words: Old Times, gaze, countergaze, discipline

摘要: 在当代英国剧作家哈罗德·品特的记忆剧《昔日》中,男主人迪利与访客安娜分别构建利己的“昔日”记忆,来对女主人凯特施以凝视,以获得控制凯特的权力。迪利在凝视中展现出父权对女性的贬低与控制欲;安娜代表父权式的激进女性主义,意图通过凝视规训同性;凯特并未成为二者凝视的消极客体,而是主动反凝视,运用话语重构昔日,以摆脱被规训的地位,消解凝视主体,建构起独立自主的女性新形象,呼应了当时的女性主义运动浪潮。

关键词: 《昔日》, 凝视, 反凝视, 规训