›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 62-68.

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Regional Economic Contribution Promoted by Technical Innovation Taking the Case of Fujian Province

JIANG Jianmin, REN Yong   

  1. (School of International Economics and Trade, Fujian Business University, Fuzhou 350016, China)
  • Received:2019-11-15 Online:2020-03-20 Published:2020-04-01



  1. 福建商学院 国际经贸学院,福州 350016
  • 作者简介:江剑敏(1979—),男,福建商学院国际经贸学院副教授,研究方向:技术创新与公共政策。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Different contributions to the regional economy were promoted by different types of technical standards, and local governments should treat them differently in the formulation of relevant policies. After analyzing the related economic contribution of different types of technical standards on the statistical data of Fujian province, it is indicated that the main source of economic contribution was related with the turnover of technology market in this area. Further regression analysis confirmed that the economic contribution of this area was mainly affected by both the domestic patent acceptance and the turnover of technology market but less impact of local standards. Then original R&D, the marketization of proprietary technology and the economic performance evaluation of local standards would be further focuses of policy making in this area.

Key words: technical innovation, economic contribution, difference, regulation

摘要: 不同类别技术创新对地区的经济贡献存在差异,地方政府在政策制定上应区别对待。以福建省的经济数据为分析对象,结果表明:技术市场成交额与该地区经济贡献关系最紧密,进一步分析显示该地区经济贡献主要受国内专利受理量、技术市场成交额等影响,而地方标准对经济贡献有影响但较不明显,从而明确技术创新的原创性与经济贡献的效果存在正相关,政府应侧重扶持原创研发、加强推进专有技术市场化及强化标准的经济绩效评价等。

关键词: 技术创新, 经济贡献, 差异, 规制