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    20 March 2020, Volume 20 Issue 2
    Research on the Spirit of SichuanTibet Highway and QinghaiTibet Highway Propagation Based on the Perspective of Whole Media
    CHEN Bo1, ZHANG Bo2, ZHENG Zhong3
    2020, 20(2):  1-6. 
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    The Spirit of SichuanTibet Highway and QinghaiTibet Highway originated from the construction and maintenance of the two highways in the past 70 years, and is an important part of the Chinese Communist Partys red gene. The traditional media such as newspapers, radio, and television played an important role in the early propagation of the spirit. New media technologies such as Weibo, WeChat, and apps further promoted the dissemination of the spirit. The era of total media now brought challenge and opportunity for the spread of the spirit.
    Research on the Integrated Development of Transportation, Culture and Tourism of YaanKangding Expressway Based on RMIP Theory
    HUANG Bing, ZHANG Xutao, ZHANG Yuanjia
    2020, 20(2):  7-12. 
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    Under the background of the integration of culture and tourism, transportation and tourism, the trend of “transportation+culture+tourism” integration is obviously increasing. Based on RMIP theory, this paper analyzes the resources, market, image and products of YaanKangding Expressway. YaanKangding Expressways natural and cultural resources are rich, and have a strong demand for tourism. The design of highway culture and landscape, the Dadu River Bridge and the plan and design of SichuanTibet Highway Museum provide references for the integrated development of domestic transportation, culture and tourism.
    Research on the Application of the Spirit of SichuanTibet Highway and QinghaiTibet Highway in Highway Cultural and Landscape Design --Taking YaanKangding Expressway
    YUAN Feiyun1, SHANG Ting2, JI Yaying1
    2020, 20(2):  13-18. 
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    The spirit of SichuanTibet Highway and QinghaiTibet Highway represents transportation spirit.YaanKangding Expressway is the inheritance and practice of that spirit in the new era. According to the requirements of the spirits tangibility and visualization, based on YaanKangding Expressways engineering characteristics of high bridge and tunnel ratio, the spirit is integrated into the highways cultural and landscape design such as bridges, tunnels, service areas, retaining walls and the SichuanTibet highway Museum, which provides reference for the dissemination of highway culture.
    Experiences and Development Paths to the Subway Culture Construction from Home and Abroad for Hefei
    CAO Lansheng
    2020, 20(2):  19-23. 
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    Subway culture is the spiritual entity to show urban culture with material carrier. Modern urban subway culture has basically formed a construction mode with the spirit of the city as the soul, the material carrier as the support, and the innovation and creativity as the support. As a provincial capital city with rapid development in recent years, the opening of the subway not only brings the innovation of urban traffic, but also promotes the progress of urban civilization. To learn from the advanced construction experience at home and abroad and develop the subway culture of Hefei is the development requirement of “An Innovative City with A Great Lake”, and also the development requirement of the advanced culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, which can provide the cultural gene model for the rail transit construction of Anhui Province.
    Experience and Enlightenment of Competitive Airports at Home and Abroad in Enhancing Radiation Accumulation Capacity
    LUO Lixiang
    2020, 20(2):  24-28. 
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    Under the development of regional economic integration of urban agglomeration, airports have synergy and competition. The core of enhancing airport competitiveness is to enhance the radiation gathering ability. Selecting similar airport groups at home and abroad, this paper analyses the challenges faced by airports when they meet with the competition of each other in their own development and the measures taken. From the base airlines, government policy support and ground transportation network and other aspects, this paper puts forward the experience enlightenment for airports to enhance the radiation gathering capacity of airports.
    Ethnographic Study on Traffic Violations of Takeout Delivery Clerks
    SHEN Jinhao
    2020, 20(2):  29-35. 
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    The traffic violations of takeout delivery clerks have been criticized by the society, and they are even regarded as “road killers”. The reason is that takeout delivery clerks are subjected to different degrees of time pressure from the platform, businesses, customers in the takeout field.The platform is the leader of time competition. Businesses are the ignorers of time constraints. Customers are the squeezers of limited time.When facing the time pressure of multiple subjects but being powerless, takeout delivery clerks can only start from themselves and win time through traffic violations. Therefore, to rectify the traffic violations of takeout delivery clerks, we should not only focus on them, but also start from the platform, businesses and customers.
    An Empirical Research of Pricing Strategy for a Bicycle Sharing Platform Based on the Perspective of Consumers Experience
    ZHU Yong, PAN Jing
    2020, 20(2):  36-42. 
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    As a new product of “Internet+” and sharing economy, sharing bicycles have been greatly facilitating peoples life, whose pricing strategy directly affects consumers choice, and the study of pricing strategy of sharing bicycles is of great practical significance. Therefore, this paper divides the evaluation index system of sharing bicycle into two categories: natural factors (weather, temperature, humidity, wind speed & season) and social factors (commuting peak & working day or not). Python is used to quantitatively study the impact of each factor on the number of shared bicycle users. On this basis, combined with price elasticity, expected utility, scale economy, economic efficiency, moral hazard etc., specific pricing strategy for sharing bicycle platform is decided.
    Research on Risk Assessment of Dangerous Goods Transportation on Roads Based on AHP and Entropy Method
    LI Shengchao, WU Yue, BAI Xuemeng
    2020, 20(2):  43-50. 
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    In order to effectively reduce the incidence of dangerous goods transport accidents on roads in China, we ensure the safety of dangerous goods transportation. Combined with AHP and entropy weight method to calculate the comprehensive weight, on this basis, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation matrix is constructed to evaluate the risk of dangerous goods transportation on roads. The results show that the method can effectively evaluate the safety of dangerous goods transport enterprises on roads, and has certain theoretical and practical application value for dangerous goods transportation risk assessment on roads, and at the same time help improve the current quantitative assessment of dangerous goods transportation risk assessment on roads and insufficient aspects.
    PseudoSocial Behavior in Team Building: Based on A Classical Grounded Theory Research
    JHONY Choon Yeong Ng, HANG Zhenyu, TAN Qingmei
    2020, 20(2):  51-61. 
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    Pseudosocial behavior has extremely negative impact on the effectiveness of team building. Adopting a classical grounded theory approach, we sampled and interviewed high school students, college students, and employees. From the perspectives of both organizers and participants of team building activities, we explored the formation mechanism of pseudosocial behavior, its influences and outcomes. We found: 1) The decision to engage in pseudosocial behavior is influenced by the feature of activity, benefitanalysis, age and experience, and team building experiences; 2) Pseudosocial behavior was not found to have obvious positive influence on their social relationship; 3) Pseudosocial behavior will cause organizers to experience excessive amount of stress, and have negative impact on the organizations development. Based on our research, we offered recommendations to team building.
    Regional Economic Contribution Promoted by Technical Innovation Taking the Case of Fujian Province
    JIANG Jianmin, REN Yong
    2020, 20(2):  62-68. 
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    Different contributions to the regional economy were promoted by different types of technical standards, and local governments should treat them differently in the formulation of relevant policies. After analyzing the related economic contribution of different types of technical standards on the statistical data of Fujian province, it is indicated that the main source of economic contribution was related with the turnover of technology market in this area. Further regression analysis confirmed that the economic contribution of this area was mainly affected by both the domestic patent acceptance and the turnover of technology market but less impact of local standards. Then original R&D, the marketization of proprietary technology and the economic performance evaluation of local standards would be further focuses of policy making in this area.
    The Existence of Catalytic Effect of Urban and Rural Adhesion for New Citizens --Statistical Analysis Based on 1010 Questionnaire Data
    ZHU Zhenya1, WANG Yangchun1, XIAO Jie2
    2020, 20(2):  69-76. 
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    Through the statistical analysis of the questionnaire data, it is proved that the new citizens do have urbanrural affective stickiness, life stickiness and work stickiness in the process of urban and rural integration, and that the new citizens do have “three feedbacks” catalytic promotion and “four drives” catalytic promotion.
    Body Politics, Feminism and Postcolonial Writing in J.M. Coetzees Novels
    FANG Jie
    2020, 20(2):  77-83. 
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    J.M. Coetzee won the Nobel Prize of literature in 2003. His novels focus on colonial history and segregation in South Africa. Many are told from the perspective of female characters who have been depreciated to an inferior position. Racial and gender problems are studied by analyzing female body images to expose the close relations among the construction of colonial system, body injuries and construction of gender image. It is exposed that different power discourses such as politics, culture and gender ideology have disciplined and imprisoned female bodies. Body predicament rouses the selfcompassion consciousness of female subjectivity. Gender identity is constructed by such means as violence and eros to escape from the barrier of colonialism and gender repression.
    Allan Poes Sound Writing: A Rereading of The Fall of the House of Usher
    YUE Junhui
    2020, 20(2):  84-89. 
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    The colorful narrative styles in The Fall of the House of Usher draw constant attention of academic studies. However, sound narrative lost its sound unfortunately. In the short story, Poe employs many sound elements to assess Rodericks insane mental state. And by using the structure of music in music, he builds multilevel and soundechoing soundscape, and creates sound synaesthesia. He also uses sound changes, identity generalization and position shift to illustrate the quality of power in sound. Poes sound narrative can deepen the exploration of the inner mind of the figures in the stories, set up sound synaesthesia, and dig effectively the quality of power of the sound.
    Historic Research on RewriteTranslated Literary Theories: --On Translation of The Outline of Literature
    XU Zhen
    2020, 20(2):  90-97. 
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    Rewritetranslated literary theories had their own historical and literary value that needed to be concerned. The Outline of Literature was a typical rewritetranslated text, which had the following characteristics: First, the translator combined translation and creation. Secondly, the translated texts had the effect to support the new literature movement. After all, the translator added some chapters to Chinese literature that aimed to correct the misunderstandings and faults in the original version and tried to establish a new narrative of history of the world literature.
    Diverse Development of International Metadiscourse Research
    CHEN Xi
    2020, 20(2):  98-106. 
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    Since the appearance of metadiscourse in the field of applied linguistics, it has caused a steady interest among scholars. Two different traditions have formed in the research of metadiscourse: one which uses a narrow definition and sees reflexivity as the focus, and the other which uses a broad definition and sees textual interaction as fundamental to the category. In addition, the classification and approach of metadiscourse differs, which corresponds to the two definitional traditions. The rhetorical, pragmatic, textual, interpersonal and ideational functions of metadiscourse should not be defined based on the linguistic phenomenon, but the contextual information. In recent years, with various genres and rich corpus, metadiscourse research has developed broadly and extensively, covering written and spoken discourse, theoretical and applied field, as well as general and specific analysis.
    Conceptual Meaning and Procedural Meaning of Interjections
    HUANG Yihuan1, HUNAG Landie2
    2020, 20(2):  107-112. 
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    Interjections are generally regarded as expressive rather than declarative, and only contain emotional meaning. Conceptual theorists, based on NSM theory, believe that interjections rely on universal or nearuniversal concepts. And because of indexicality and conventionality of interjections, they can convey conceptual content. Relevance theorists, based on Relevance Theory, believe that interjections contain procedural meaning, they can construct higherlevel explicatures and can also activate propositional attitudes or attitude descriptions. A nonemotional understanding of the meaning of interjections is helpful for a deeper understanding of this linguistic phenomenon.