›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (4): 76-87.

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Analysis of Trade Situation and Potential Between Chongqing and ASEAN --Based on the Provincial Panel Data under the Background of New Western LandSea Corridor

DU Fangxin, HUANG Liqun   

  1. Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
  • Received:2020-02-05 Revised:2020-03-02 Online:2020-07-20 Published:2020-07-24

重庆与东盟贸易现状及潜力分析 ——基于西部陆海新通道背景下的省际面板数据


  1. 广西大学,南宁 530004
  • 作者简介:杜方鑫(1995—),男,广西大学中国—东盟研究院硕士研究生,研究方向:中国—东盟区域发展;黄立群(1986—),女,广西大学广西创新发展研究院讲师,博士,研究方向:区域经济和中国—东盟区域发展。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: New western landsea corridor is a major strategic connectivity corridor for ASEAN countries. The construction of this corridor will organically connect “Belt and Road”, so that it will form a complete closed loop through the western region. As the operation center of this new corridor, Chongqing shoulders the important responsibility and historical mission. Therefore, under the background of new corridor construction, taking Chongqing as the research object, this paper analyzes its trade condition with ASEAN countries, and then calculates its trade potential with ASEAN countries by using the extended gravity model, analyzes in different classification, and finally puts forward countermeasures respectively on the perspective of Chongqing.

Key words: Chongqing, ASEAN, trade potential, new western landsea corridor

摘要: 西部陆海新通道是一条面向东盟国家的战略性互联互通大通道。该通道的建设将有机衔接“一带一路”,使“一带一路”经西部地区形成完整闭合环线。重庆市作为这条“新通道”的运营中心,担负着重要的责任和历史使命。在“新通道”建设背景下,以重庆市为研究对象,分析同东盟国家的贸易现状,利用扩展的引力模型,计算重庆同东盟十国的贸易潜力,并分类分析,以重庆市的视角提出同东盟的贸易合作对策。

关键词: 重庆, 东盟, 贸易潜力, 西部陆海新通道