Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 93-102.

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Research Status and Trend of Employee Innovative Behavior --Visualization Analysis Based on CiteSpace and VOSviewer

ZHANG Zhenyang, CHUN Dongphil   

  1. Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Korea
  • Received:2020-12-18 Revised:2020-12-25 Online:2021-11-20 Published:2021-11-25

国内外关于员工创新行为的研究现状与趋势 ——基于CiteSpace和VOSviewer的可视化分析


  1. 韩国国立釜庆大学,釜山 48513
  • 作者简介:张振扬(1992—),男,韩国国立釜庆大学博士研究生,研究方向:科技管理;千东毕(1985—),男,韩国国立釜庆大学副教授,博士,研究方向:科技管理、管理会计。

Abstract: Enterprise innovation is an organic combination of employee innovation, and mobilizing employees creativity is very important for the development of enterprises. This paper adopts the bibliometric method, analyzes 694 domestic and foreign literates and summarizes the research status and trend of employee innovative behavior. It is shown in the analysis that with the number of foreign publications increasing year by year, the number of domestic publications is decreasing. Although the trend of research both at home and abroad has been consistent in terms of the research direction, there still exists the problem that the research results are deviated from the actual needs of enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage domestic researchers to strengthen the research on this topic and start from the perspective of how to stimulate employee innovative behavior so as to help enterprises to promote innovation.

Key words: employee innovative behavior, visualization analysis, CiteSpace, VOSviewer

摘要: 企业创新是员工创新的有机组合,调动员工的创造力对企业发展十分重要。采用文献计量法,分析694篇国内外文献,总结员工创新行为的研究现状与趋势。分析发现:在国外发文量连年上升的背景下,国内的发文量却在下降;虽然在研究方向上国内外的趋势基本保持一致,但仍然存在研究成果脱离企业实际需要的问题。有必要鼓励国内研究人员加强这一主题的研究,从如何激发员工创新行为的角度入手,帮助企业推动创新。

关键词: 员工创新行为, 可视化分析, CiteSpace, VOSviwer